Industrial Controls Division | ||
Custom Pressure Reducing & Back Pressure Regulators | ||
(Can't find what you need? We probably make it - Contact Us today!) |
Cartridge Regulators | |||||
Cartridge Regulator (BB Series) | ? Cartridge style externally threaded regulators are designed to be easily installed in a manifold block ? Obvious benefits include: reduced piping, elimination of connections, reduced space requirement, ease of service ? Can be furnished in a wide variety of pressure reducing or back pressure styles ? Contact factory for application assistance | ||||
Differential/Tracking Regulators | |||||
?Designed to provide a controlled pressure which is the sum of a signal (reference) pressure and a bias pressure (bias can be positive or negative) ?Applications include: automatic pressure compensation for mechanical (pump) seals, control of fugitive emissions, reduction of breathing gases in commercial or military diving | |||||
SJS Series - Tracking/Pump Application | ?Accurate differential tracking regulator incorporating both a pressure reducing and back pressure regulator eliminating deadband | CAD | 500 PSIG (400 ref + 100 bias) | Cv=.12 | 316 SST |
Instrument Isolator | |||||
?Isolates and protects the regulator from corrosive process media ?Intended for use with our wide range of tracking regulators ?Assists in the control of pressure in fugitive emission and/or mechanical seals applications | |||||
42 MW - Welded Diaphragm | ?Welded Diaphragm Isolator used to isolate tracking regulators reference pressure from the process media ?Includes up to 5 feet of stainless steel armored capillary filled with silicone 210H | CAD (TBD) | Rated operating pressure - 2500 PSIG | 316 SST | |
Air Actuators | |||||
Air Actuator (26-2000 Series) | ?Available for a wide range of pressure reducing and back pressure regulators ?Allows regulator to be remote actuated by an air signal from an external air source or by one of Tescom's electronic controllers ?Control pressures may vary from 20 to 15,000 PSIG ?Ratios between actuator pressure and control pressure are available from 3:1 to 150:1 ?Compared to conventional spring loading, air actuation offers improved regulator performance |
(763) 441-6330 | (800) 447-9635 | Search Website | Site Map | Terms of Use |
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