煤矿用电力电缆 Mining LV Power Cable
煤矿用电力电缆 Mining LV Power Cable
Execution standard
MT818.11-2009、MT818.12-2009 and MT818.13-2009
二、电缆型号名称和用途见下表 See the table below cable model name and usage
型号 Type no. | 名称 The name says | 主要使用范围 The main scope of use |
MVV | 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆Coal mine with PVC insulated PVC sheathed power cable | 用于矿场作电力传输,适用于固定敷设Used formine power transmission, suitable for fixedinstallation |
MVV22 | 煤矿用聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆Coal mine with PVC insulation tape armored PVC sheathedpower cable | 用于矿场作电力传输,适用于地埋敷设Used for mine power transmission, suitable forburied installation |
MYJV | 煤矿用交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆Coal mine with cross-linked polyethylene insulated PVCsheathed power cable | 用于矿场作电力传输,适用于固定敷设Used for mine power transmission, suitable forfixed installation |
MYJV22 | 煤矿用交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆Coal mine with cross-linked polyethylene insulation tapearmored PVC sheathed power cable | 用于矿场电力传输,适用于地埋敷设Used in the mine power transmission, suitable forburied installation |
表2 table 2
Main performanceindicators
1:The cable conductor dc resistance in accordance with therequirements of table 3:
2. Ac voltage resistance should undergo 5 min, 3.5 kV ac voltagetest not breakdown;
3.The flame retardant cable by MT/T386-2011 test.
4. The crosslinking performance index(See control cables forcoal mine in table 2)
表3table 3
四、命名代号Name code
煤矿用阻燃电缆Flame retardant cable...................................................................................................................M
铜质线芯 Copper wire core..........................................................................................................................省略omit
聚氯乙烯绝缘 PVCinsulated........................................................................................................................................V
交联聚乙烯绝缘 Crosslinked polyethyleneinsulation........................................................................................YJ
聚氯乙烯护套 PVC sheathed......................................................................................................................................V
钢带铠装、聚氯乙烯外护套 Steeltape armouredand PVC sheathed outside...........................................22
五、结构示意图 Structure diagram
The use condition ofthe cable
1.The cable is rated voltage level for 0.6/1 kV (1.2);
2. PVC insulated cable conductor of the highest working temperatureis 70°C,rated short circuit when (the longest duration of no morethan 5s), cable conductor of the highest temperature does notexceed 160°C;
3. The crosslinking polyethylene insulated cable conductor of thehighest working temperature is 90°C rated short circuit when (thelongest duration of no more than 5s) cable conductor of the highesttemperature does not exceed 250°C.
4. Cable and installation of the temperature is not lower than allowed-10°C;
5. The minimum bending radius for 15 times of cable diameter.
光透过率检测仪 高标准农田监测设备 超声波一体式气象仪 超声波气象仪 气象设备传感器 气象风速传感器 超声波风向仪 高速气象监测站 光伏电站监测系统 光伏电站灰尘检测仪 立杆河流水质监测站 并网式光伏环境监测系统 太阳辐射观测仪 水深水温探测仪 袖珍式手持气象仪 高标准农田四情监测设备 山体滑坡监测预警系统 桥梁结冰传感器 农业土壤墒情监测系统 手持云高仪 超声波风速监测仪 雷电预警监控系统 光伏电站天空扫描仪 手持超声波气象站 高精度手持移动气象站 光伏气象站(分布式) 便携式5要素气象站(手持) (手持)便携式自动气象站系统 大气能见度监测站 学生气象站 校园科普气象站 全自动天空成像仪 水质在线监测仪器 便携式能见度监测仪 校园科普自动气象站 自动校园气象站 便携式能见度检测仪 便携野外气象监测系统 五要素田间气象站 6要素自动气象站 智慧灯杆环境监测传感器 8要素气象站 火灾监测预警系统 污水在线监测设备 水质cod在线监测设备 地表位移监测系统 一体式六要素自动气象站 气象局六要素自动气象站 便携式直读流速仪 超声波风速风向仪传感器