金属屏蔽电力电缆Metal Shielding Power Cable
Scope ofapplication
It is used for power transmission on power lines of rated voltage0.6/1kV or lower.lt has strong resistant characters againstelectromagnetic interference, thunder strike and even electricpotential, improving power sup- ply quality. It is especially suitableto place with precision electronic devices such as computercenter, space & aviation supervision center and intellectualbuildings etc.
Executive standard
Enterprise standard
三、型号名称 Type and Description
型号 Type | 名称Description | |
铜 Cu | 铝AI | |
VVP VVP22 | VLVP VLVP22 | 铜、铝芯聚氯乙烯绝缘金属屏蔽(钢带铠装)聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆 Power cable with Cu/Al core, PVC insulation, metallic shielding(steel tape armor), PVC sheath |
YJVP YJVP22 | YJLVP YJLVP22 | 铜、铝芯交联聚乙烯绝缘金属屏蔽(钢带铠装)聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆 Power cable with Cu/Al core, XLPE insulation, metallic shielding(steel tape armor), PVC sheath |
1: We also produce cable with fame resistant performance or fire resistant performance accordina to the reauirement of customerPrefix “ZR-”should be added to the original type for flame retardant cable and “NH-" added for fire-resistant cable.
2: There are two kinds of metallic shielding. One is metallic wire braiding shielding. The other is metallic tape wrapped shielding.
3: Prefix“R”should be added to the original type for ordering cable with soft conductor;
四、规格 Specification
1、导体**长期允许工作温度: 聚氯乙烯绝缘为70℃:交联聚乙烯绝缘为90℃。
2、电缆短路时(最长持续时间不超过5S),导体的**温度不超过:聚氯乙烯绝缘为160℃;交联聚乙烯绝缘为 250℃;
4、电缆允许弯曲半径为:铠装电缆不小于电缆外径的20倍:非铠装电缆不小于电缆外径的15倍: 软芯导体电缆不小于电缆外径的10倍。
Working Condition
1: Max long-term working temperature allowed by conductor is70℃ for cable with PVC insulation, 90℃ for cable with XLPE insulation
2: Max temperature of conductor is no higher than160℃ for cablewith PVC insulation, 250℃ for cable with XLPE insulation duringshort circuit (The longest lasting time is no more than 5s).
3: Environment temperature for installation is not lower than 0℃
4: Bending radius allowed by cable is no less than 20 times that ofcable outer diameter for armored cable, 15 times that for inarmoredcable, 10times that for cable with soft conductor
Approximate Outer Diameter of Cable
Outer diameter value of VVP type and VLVP type cable shouldbe added by 1~1.5mm² on the basis of that of VV type and VLV typecable.
Outer diameter value of YJVP type and YJLVP type cable shouldbe added by 1~1.5mm²on the basis of that of YJV type and YJLVtype cable.
Outer diameter value of VV22P type and VLV22P type cableshould be added by1.5mm² on the basis of that of VV22 type andVLV22 type cable.
Outer diameter value of YJV22P type and YJLV22P type cableshould be added by 1.5mm²on the basis of that of YJV22 typeand YJLV22 type cable.
Main Technical Parameter
1: DC resistance of conductor at 20C
2:Insulated resistance
3: Finished cable should endure A.C voltage test of 3.5kV, AC50Hz for 5min without puncture.
4: Fire resistant performance of fire resistance cable should meettesting requirement of category A or B stipu- lated in IEC60331or GB12666.6 standard.
5: Flame retardant performance of Flame retardant cable shouldmeet testing requirement of category A or B or C stipulated inIEC60332 or GB/T18380.3standard.
光透过率检测仪 高标准农田监测设备 超声波一体式气象仪 超声波气象仪 气象设备传感器 气象风速传感器 超声波风向仪 高速气象监测站 光伏电站监测系统 光伏电站灰尘检测仪 立杆河流水质监测站 并网式光伏环境监测系统 太阳辐射观测仪 水深水温探测仪 袖珍式手持气象仪 高标准农田四情监测设备 山体滑坡监测预警系统 桥梁结冰传感器 农业土壤墒情监测系统 手持云高仪 超声波风速监测仪 雷电预警监控系统 光伏电站天空扫描仪 手持超声波气象站 高精度手持移动气象站 光伏气象站(分布式) 便携式5要素气象站(手持) (手持)便携式自动气象站系统 大气能见度监测站 学生气象站 校园科普气象站 全自动天空成像仪 水质在线监测仪器 便携式能见度监测仪 校园科普自动气象站 自动校园气象站 便携式能见度检测仪 便携野外气象监测系统 五要素田间气象站 6要素自动气象站 智慧灯杆环境监测传感器 8要素气象站 火灾监测预警系统 污水在线监测设备 水质cod在线监测设备 地表位移监测系统 一体式六要素自动气象站 气象局六要素自动气象站 便携式直读流速仪 超声波风速风向仪传感器