模拟宽带高达 33 GHz,上升时间快达 9 ps。 支持对全新的高速串行标准的测试
33 GHz 型号有 2 条通道提供真正的 33 GHz 实时模拟带宽
有 2 条通道实现 100 GS/s(33、25、20、16 和 12.5 GHz 型号)
高达 23 GHz 带宽
高达 50 GS/s 实时采样率
高达 500 M 样点记录长度,具有 MultiView Zoom™ 快速导航
超快波形捕获速率,每条通道为 >300,000 wfms/s
16 条逻辑通道,为数字和模拟信号调试提供高达 80ps 定时分辨率( MSO70000 系列)
可利用的 iCapture® 功能通过单探头连接查看数字通道的模拟特点
6.25 Gb/s 实时串行触发- 保证的 NRZ 或 8b/10b 码型次出现时触发,以隔离码型相关影响
的信号完整性和出色的信噪比 – 观察波形最真实的表现
Pinpoint® 触发 – 限度地减少采集故障信号所用的时间,高效排除故障,缩短调试时间
可视触发 – 精确判定触发,找到复杂波形中的事件
搜索和标记 – 为感兴趣的信号提供波形或串行总线码型匹配和软件触发
自动串行分析选项,用于 PCI Express、8b/10b 编码串行数据、I2C、SPI、CAN、LIN、FlexRay、RS-232/422/485/UART、USB 2.0、HSIC、MIL-STD-1553B 以及 MIPI® C-PHY、D-PHY 和 M-PHY
P7700、P7600 和 P7500 三模™ 探测系统 – 匹配的信号连接性能,包含校准探头端部功能
P6780、P6750 和 P6717A 高性能 17 通道逻辑探头,具有高达 2.5 GHz 的带宽,能够连接当前的快速数字信号( MSO70000 系列)
前面板和后面板都有 USB 2.0 接口便于数据存储、打印和连接 USB 键盘
集成的 10/100 以太网接口用于网络连接,视频输出接口用于将示波器显示屏输出到监视器或投影仪
SignalVu® RF和矢量信号分析
DDR 内存总线分析
型号 | 模拟带宽 | 模拟采样率——2/4 个通道 | 标准存储 – 模拟 + 数字 | 模拟通道 | 逻辑通道 |
DPO70404C | 4 GHz | 25 GS/s | 31 MS | 4 | — |
MSO70404C | 4 GHz | 25 GS/s | 62 MS | 4 | 16 |
DPO70604C | 6 GHz | 25 GS/s | 31 MS | 4 | — |
MSO70604C | 6 GHz | 25 GS/s | 62 MS | 4 | 16 |
DPO70804C | 8 GHz | 25 GS/s | 31 MS | 4 | — |
MSO70804C | 8 GHz | 25 GS/s | 62 MS | 4 | 16 |
DPO71254C | 12.5 GHz | 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s | 31 MS | 4 | — |
MSO71254C | 12.5 GHz | 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s | 62 MS | 4 | 16 |
DPO71604C | 16 GHz | 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s | 31 MS | 4 | — |
MSO71604C | 16 GHz | 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s | 62 MS | 4 | 16 |
DPO72004C | 20 GHz | 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s | 31 MS | 4 | — |
MSO72004C | 20 GHz | 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s | 62 MS | 4 | 16 |
DPO72304DX | 23 GHz | 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s | 31 MS | 4 | — |
MSO72304DX | 23 GHz | 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s | 62 MS | 4 | 16 |
DPO72504DX | 25 GHz | 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s | 31 MS | 4 | — |
MSO72504DX | 25 GHz | 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s | 62 MS | 4 | 16 |
DPO73304DX | 33 GHz | 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s | 31 MS | 4 | — |
MSO73304DX | 33 GHz | 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s | 62 MS | 4 | 16 |
Key performance indicators
Analog broadband up to 33 GHz, rising time up to 9 ps. Support testing of new high-speed serial standards
The 33 GHz model has two channels providing true 33 GHz real time analog bandwidth
Industry-leading high sampling rate and timing resolution
2 channels realize 100 GS/s (models 33, 25, 20, 16 and 12.5ghz)
Four channel simultaneous performance
Up to 23 GHz bandwidth
Up to 50 GS/s real-time sampling rate
As high as 500 M length of sample records, has a MultiView Zoom ™ quick navigation
Ultra fast waveform capture rate, up to >300,000 WFMS /s per channel
16 logical channels, providing up to 80ps timing resolution for digital and analog signal debugging (MSO70000 series only)
Can use the unique iCapture ® functions through simulation of the single probe connected to view digital channel characteristics
6.25gb /s real-time serial trigger - ensures that the specified NRZ or 8b/10b code type is triggered the first time it appears to isolate the impact of the code type
Application support covers high speed serial industry standards, broadband rf, power systems and memory - achieving standard specification certification, test automation and ease of use
The main function
Excellent signal integrity and excellent signal-to-noise ratio - observe the waveform for its true performance
Pinpoint ® trigger - minimize acquisition time, used in the fault signal high efficient troubleshooting, shorten the debugging time
Visual trigger - accurately determine the trigger to find unique events in complex waveforms
Search and marking - provides waveform or serial bus pattern matching and software triggering for signals of interest
Automatic serial analysis options for PCI Express, 8 b / 10 b encoding serial data, I2C, SPI, CAN, LIN and FlexRay, RS - 485/232/422 / UART and USB 2.0, HSIC, MIL - STD - 1553 - b and "MIPI ® C - PHY, D - PHY and M - PHY
P7700, P7600 and P7500 die ™ signal connection performance detection system, perfect match, the probe end contains the calibration function
P6780, P6750 and P6717A high-performance 17-channel logic probe with up to 2.5ghz bandwidth, capable of connecting to current fast digital signals (MSO70000 series only)
The connection
The front and rear panels have USB 2.0 ports for data storage, printing, and connecting to the USB keyboard
Integrated 10/100 Ethernet interface for network connection and video output interface for output of oscilloscope display to monitor or projector
Application support
High speed serial industry standard conformance test
SignalVu ® RF and vector signal analysis
DDR memory bus analysis
Design verification including signal integrity, jitter and timing analysis
Design verification for high speed complex design
Certification testing of serial data streams according to industry standards
Memory bus analysis and debugging
Prototype startup and power validation
Research and investigation of transient phenomena
Production testing of complex systems
Spectrum analysis of transient or broadband rf signals
Quick selection guide
Model analog bandwidth analog sampling rate -- 2/4 channel standard storage -- analog + digital analog channel logic channel
DPO70404C 4 GHz 25 GS/s 31 MS 4 --
MSO70404C 4 GHz 25 GS/s 62 MS 4 16
DPO70604C 6 GHz 25 GS/s 31 MS 4 --
MSO70604C 6 GHz 25 GS/s 62 MS 4 16
DPO70804C 8 GHz 25 GS/s 31 MS 4 --
MSO70804C 8 GHz 25 GS/s 62 MS 4 16
DPO71254C 12.5ghz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 31 MS 4 --
MSO71254C 12.5 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 62 MS 4 16
DPO71604C 16 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 31 MS 4 --
MSO71604C 16 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 62 MS 4 16
DPO72004C 20 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 31 MS 4 --
MSO72004C 20 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 62 MS 4 16
DPO72304DX 23 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 31 MS 4 --
MSO72304DX 23 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 62 MS 4 16
DPO72504DX 25 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 31 MS 4 --
MSO72504DX 25 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 62 MS 4 16
DPO73304DX 33 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 31 MS 4 --
MSO73304DX 33 GHz 100 GS/s / 50 GS/s 62 MS 4 16
单纤双向全自动超声波清洗机 反压高温蒸煮锅 总铜/铜离子在线自动监测仪 三相调功器 震动开关 POLOVO气动隔膜阀 KP826型多合一气体检测仪 多功能电能表 多芯电缆装焊工艺与技术 萃取分离设备 一体式超声波流量计 智能家居控制器 声波雨量计装置 水位表 气体质谱仪 智能管线探测仪 履带式加热器 艾尼提便携式视频数码显微镜MSV331 甲烷报警器 三足式系列离心机 辽宁省超级电容器工程技术研究中心 百分表和千分表 内螺纹闸阀 链条拉力试验机 CO泄漏报警控制器 液压试验台 ETC-100全自动水质采样器 国产离心机 防爆起重机 电子数显温湿度计 Q641F46衬里球阀 煤矿支护 防爆型压力变送器 氟塑料电线 毫秒 热计量试点 雨量声光报警器 国标止回阀 微型自吸式水泵 等速采样 变压器报警器 微型台式真空泵 多组份气体分析仪 KHTS单座调节阀 电脑拉力测试机 姬建钢 散热器温控阀 漩涡混合器 分布式发电系统 矿物绝缘电缆