<0.7 pF 总电容负荷,限度地降低对电路的插入性
20 kΩ 输入电阻
6.5 Vp-p动态范围,支持多种逻辑家族
处理器/ 总线调试和检验
如果没有探测,不考虑探头对系统及测量时间的影响,那么测试测量解决方案是不完整的。由于业内的探头负荷,P6400系列逻辑分析仪探头保护了信号完整性,限度地降低了其对电路的影响。在与TLA5000系列逻辑分析仪结合使用时,P6400系列逻辑分析仪探头以经济的价格提供了完善的逻辑分析功能。有多种连接机制可供选择,包括不需要机载连接器的高密度D-Max® 探测技术。
灵活的通用探头支持0.100 英寸和2 毫米针脚间隔、低输入电容和附件,可以连到许多行业标准连接上。
P6700 系列探头为验证工程师提供了一套完善的PCI Express探测解决方案,包括中间总线、插槽内插器和焊接式连接器。通过使用两个连接器支持长达24英寸的PCI Express Gen3信道,这些探头提供了最小的负荷及的信号保真度和有源均衡技术,确保准确地恢复闭上的眼图数据。所有P6700系列都有图形通路混配功能,提供了灵活性,可以适应各种的电路板布线。
Main features and advantages
< 0.7pf total capacitive load to minimize circuit insertion
20 k Ω input resistance
Vp-p dynamic range, supporting multiple logic families
Universal probe, flexibly connected to industry standard connection
No connector detection system, no need for onboard connectors
Hardware debugging and validation
Processor/bus debugging and validation
Embedded software integration, debugging and validation
Provides leading detection solutions for real-time digital system analysis
P6400 series probes
The test and measurement solution is incomplete without probes, regardless of the probe's impact on the system and measurement time. Due to the industry's lowest probe load, the P6400 series logic analyzer probes protect signal integrity and minimize its impact on the circuit. When used in combination with the TLA5000 series logic analyzer, the P6400 series logic analyzer probes provide complete logic analysis functions at an economical price. There are several connection mechanism to choose from, including high density D - don't need a connector is installed on the Max ® detection technology.
For applications where PCB space is limited, the high density P6450 provides minimum volume and fast connection mechanism.
Because of the low load capacitance, the P6400 series can capture signals accurately at a faster edge rate without distortion.
Flexible universal probe supports 0.100 "and 2 mm pin spacing, low input capacitance and accessories, and can be connected to many industry standard connections.
P6800 and P6900 series probes
The P6700 series probes provide validation engineers with a complete PCI Express probe solution that includes an intermediate bus, a slot interpolator, and a soldered connector. By using two connectors to support the 24-inch PCI Express Gen3 channel, these probes provide minimal load and the highest signal fidelity and active equalization technology to ensure accurate recovery of closed eye chart data. All P6700 series have a graphics path mix function, providing maximum flexibility to accommodate a variety of unique circuit board wiring.
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