20 kΩ 输入电阻
7.5 Vp-p动态范围支持范围广泛的逻辑系列
附加机制多种多样,包括高密度 D-Max®、Mictor、方针和飞脚。
测试和测量解决方案如果不带探测且未考虑其对于系统和测量时间的影响,则不算完整。 凭借行业的探头加载,P5900 系列逻辑分析仪探头保护信号的完整性,从而尽量减小对于设计的影响。 P5900 系列逻辑分析仪探头在与 TLA6400 系列逻辑分析仪结合使用时,可以经济的价格实现精密的逻辑分析。 请从各种附加机制中进行选择,包括高密度 D-Max®、Mictor 和通用探头。
The main features
The lower total capacitive load minimizes the intrusion into the circuit
20 k Ω input resistance
7.5 vp-p dynamic range supports a wide range of logic series
Additional mechanisms are diverse, including high density D - Max ®, Mictor, policy and fly feet.
Digital hardware validation and debugging
Monitor, measure and optimize digital hardware performance
Embedded software integration, debugging and validation
Advanced probe solution for real-time digital system analysis - P5900 series probe
A test and measurement solution is incomplete without a probe and without considering its impact on the system and measurement time. With the lowest probe load in the industry, the P5900 series logic analyzer probes protect signal integrity to minimize design impact. The probe of P5900 series logic analyzer can be used in combination with TLA6400 series logic analyzer to achieve precise logic analysis at an economical price. Please choose from a variety of additional mechanism, including high density D - Max ®, Mictor and general probe.
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