当前更快数据速率和更小定时裕量的设计需要示波器具有杰出的信号采集性能和分析功能。泰克 MSO/DPO5000B 系列提供优异的信号保真度,2 GHz 和 10 GS/s 采样速率,并有高级分析和数学功能,满足您的工作台和实验室的需要。在示波器上可以运行基于 Windows® 的分析软件。MSO 型号包括 16 个数字定时通道,所有型号可以配备为解码常用的串行协议,为您的系统提供全面视图
型号属于 MSO/DPO5000B 混合信号示波器 系列:
型号 | 模拟带宽 | 采样率 | 记录长度 | 模拟通道 | 数字通道 |
DPO5034B | 350 MHz | 5 GS/s | 25M 点 - 125M 点 | 4 | - |
DPO5054B | 500 MHz | 5 GS/s | 25M 点 - 125M 点 | 4 | - |
MSO5034B | 350 MHz | 5 GS/s | 25M 点 - 125M 点 | 4 | 16 |
MSO5054B | 500 MHz | 5 GS/s | 25M 点 - 125M 点 | 4 | 16 |
DPO5104B | 1 GHz | 5 GS/s - 10 GS/s | 25M 点 - 125M 点 | 4 | - |
DPO5204B | 2 GHz | 5 GS/s - 10 GS/s | 25M 点 - 125M 点 | 4 | - |
MSO5104B | 1 GHz | 5 GS/s - 10 GS/s | 25M 点 - 125M 点 | 4 | 16 |
MSO5204B | 2 GHz | 5 GS/s - 10 GS/s | 25M 点 - 125M 点 | 4 | 16 |
MSO/DPO5000 混合信号示波器系列实现一台仪器便可分析多达 20 个模拟和数字信号,查找和诊断复杂设计中的问题十分迅速。 带宽高达 2 GHz,采样率高达 10 GS/s,确保能够查看快速变化的信号细节。 为了捕获长窗口的信号活动,保持精细的定时分辨率,MSO/DPO5000 系列所有通道均标配高达 12.5 兆点的深度记录长度,两条通道可以选配高达 250 兆点的记录长度。
通过 Wave Inspector® 控件快速导航波形,及超过 10 种选配软件和分析包完成常见技术和深入分析任务,泰克 MSO/DPO5000 系列为您简化和加快复杂设计调试提供了所需的多功能工具。
MSO/DPO5000B 混合信号示波器 系列 概述
功能 | 优势 |
完整采集性能 | 通过高达 2 GHz 带宽、10 GS/s 采样速率和高达 250 M 点的记录长度,保证信号保真度。 |
4 个模拟通道和 16 个数字通道 | 一台仪器即可分析模拟信号和数字信号,为复杂设计实现系统级故障排除。 |
数字荧光显示器的 FastAcq | 通过泰克专有的 FastAcq 技术快速发现毛刺和偶发事件。捕获速率 >250,000 波形/秒,能够更快地显示难检的异常。 |
完整的触发集合 | 提供超过 350 种触发组合,包括建立/保持、串行包内容和并行数据,快速捕获信号异常。可选的视觉触发允许图形触发定义。 |
Wave Inspector? 控件 | 方便地在很长的记录长度内搜索、标记和导航,同时查找多达 8 个事件的所有出现位置。 |
内置分析工具 | 用 53 种自动测量、测量统计、直方图、高级波形数学、用户可定义的滤波器以及自定义 MATLAB 和 .NET 数学插件对设备进行分析。 |
并行总线触发和分析(MSO 系列) | 通过自动触发、 解码和搜索快速调试常见串行总线 - I2C、SPI、RS-232/422/485/UART、USB2.0、MIL-STD-1553B、CAN、LIN、以太网 和 FlexRay。 |
协议解码以及串行触发和分析选件 | 通过自动触发、解码和搜索快速调试常见串行总线 - I2C、SPI、RS-232/422/485/UART、USB2.0、以太网、MIL-STD-1553B、CAN、LIN 和 FlexRay。 |
应用软件包 | 通过标配的抖动和眼图分析以及 25 种用于功率分析、串行一致性、RF 分析、内存等等可选软件包,将您的示波器变成专门应用的工具。 |
低电容无源电压探头 | 标配的四个 1 GHz 或 500 MHz 探头具有业内的 <4pF 容性负载,确保准确测量。 |
Characteristics and advantages
Main performance index
2 GHz, 1 GHz, 500 MHz and 350 MHz bandwidth models
One channel or two channels up to 10 GS/s real-time sampling rate, all four channels up to 5 GS/s
When using MultiView Zoom ™ record length up to 250 million points
When using FastAcq ™ > 250000 WFM/s biggest waveform capture rate
FastFrame ™ segmented memory acquisition mode, capture rate per second > 310000 waveform
The standard 10 M Ω passive voltage probe, with less than 4 pF capacitive load and 500 MHz or 1 GHz analog bandwidth
16 digital channels (MSO series)
The user can choose the bandwidth-limiting filter to improve the low frequency measurement accuracy
Advanced trigger suite, optional visual trigger function
Ease of use
Wave Inspector ® control can easy navigation and automatic search waveform data
MyScope ® custom control window and the right mouse button click on the menu, efficiency
53 automatic measurement functions, waveform histogram and FFT analysis, simplified waveform analysis
TekVPI ® sensor interface support active, difference and current sensor, automatic adjustment range and units
264mm (10.4in) high brightness XGA display with touch screen
Small in size and light in weight -- 8.12 inches (206mm) thick and weighing less than 15 pounds (6.7kg)
The front panel has two USB 2.0 main control ports and the back panel has four ports. Data storage, printing and connection to the USB peripheral are very convenient
The back panel has a USB device port, and it's easy to connect to a PC or GPIB control using an adapter
Integrated 10/100/1000base-t Ethernet port for network connection, video output port for oscilloscope display output to monitor or projector
Microsoft ® Windows 7 64 - bit operating system, convenient connection and integration in your environment
Meet LXI Class C standard
Mixed signal design and analysis (MSO series)
Automatic triggering, decoding and searching are implemented on parallel bus
The threshold is set separately for each channel
MagniVu ™ high-speed data acquisition in digital channels offered 60.6 ps fine timing resolution
Optional serial triggering and analysis
Automatic serial trigger, decode, and search options for I2C, SPI, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, rs-232/422/485 /UART, mil-std-1553, Ethernet, and USB 2.0
Automatic serial analysis options, and dedicated MIPI ® D - PHY and CSI DSI - 1-2, 8 b / 10 b and PCI Express
Optional technical analysis
Software solutions provide built-in domain expertise for Ethernet, MOST and USB 2.0 conformance testing, jitter, timing, eye mapping, power, DDR memory bus analysis and broadband rf
Limit and template testing can quickly and deeply analyze signal characteristics
Multifunction mixed signal debugging tool
The MSO/DPO5000 mixed-signal oscilloscope series can analyze up to 20 analog and digital signals with one instrument. It is very fast to find and diagnose problems in complex design. The bandwidth is up to 2 GHz and the sampling rate is up to 10 GS/s, making sure you can see the rapidly changing signal details. Long window signal activities, in order to capture the fine timing resolution, the oledata.mso/DPO5000 series all channel with 12.5 million points record length, the depth of the two channels can be equipped with up to 250 million points record length.
Through Wave Inspector ® quick navigation control waveform, and more than 10 kinds of matching software and common technology and in-depth analysis of task analysis package, the oledata.mso/DPO5000 series for you to simplify and accelerate the complex design debugging provides the multifunctional tool.
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