warranty expires.
The particle counter SeasyParticle 230 is used for determination of the particle concentration in
gaseous carrier media. It is equipped with a laser diode as a light source. The particle detection is
effected sidewise via a 90° optics. The transfer of the measured data is effected via the integrated
RS 485 interface
(Modbus protocol).
Our products are thoroughly examined and tested after production. The primary calibration was
carried out with latex particles and the compliance of the calibration is confirmed on the calibration
label on the back side of the instrument.
The annual recalibration of the instruments with latex particles can be carried out either at the
premises of the customer or on our premises.
Principles of functioning
The optical particle counters described in this manual use the scattered light effect for determination of
the particle size and the concentration of aerosol particles. The particles are illuminated with the laser
light. The intensity of the scattered light which is emitted by the particle under different angles is
measured and used as a parameter for determination of the particle diameter. As soon as an aerosol
particle passes through the measuring cell its scattered light gets to a photo element (photo diode) via
a collective lens system. The electronic pulse which is generated is strengthened and allocated to a
pre-selected size range in the microprocessor system. The pulses counted in a pre-selected time span
are related to the volume flow of air (28.3 l/min., or 2.83 l/min.).
When evaluating the counted particles mainly two terms are used which require a more detailed
- cumulative (cumul.) = the number of particles which are bigger than the particle diameter given in
the respective channel.
- distributive (distr.) = the number of particles which are bigger than the particle diameter given in the
respective channel but smaller than the (bigger) particle diameter given in the next channel.
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