型号 | 模拟带宽 | 采样率 | 记录长度 | 模拟通道 | 数字通道数 | 频谱分析仪 | 函数发生器输出 |
MDO4024C | 200 MHz | 2.5 GS/s | 20 M 点 | 4 | 16(选配) | 6 GHz | 1 条(可选) |
MDO4034C | 350 MHz | 2.5 GS/s | 20 M 点 | 4 | 16(选配) | 6 GHz | 1 条(可选) |
MDO4054C | 500 MHz | 2.5 GS/s | 20 M 点 | 4 | 16(选配) | 6 GHz | 1 条(可选) |
MDO4104C | 1 GHz | 2.5 - 5 GS/s | 20 M 点 | 4 | 16(选配) | 6 GHz | 1 条(可选) |
带宽可升级(达 1GHz)
达 5GS/s 采样率
> 340,000wfm/s 的波形捕获速率
标配无源电压探头,3.9pF 电容负载,1GHz 或 500MHz模拟带宽
超宽捕获带宽 ≥1GHz
250MS/s 任意波形发生器采样率
60.6ps 定时分辨率
支持 I2C、SPI、RS-232/422/485/UART、USB 2.0、以太网、CAN、CAN FD、LIN、FlexRay、MIL-STD-1553、ARINC-429 和音频标准等串行总线
4位 AC RMS、DC 和 AC+DC RMS 电压测量
在使用蓝牙、802.11 WiFi、ZigBee或某些其他无线技术时,MDO4000C可以查看整个系统,包括模拟信号、数字信号和RF信号,而且在时间上同步,了解其真实特点。在一次捕获中,捕获超宽频段,查看多种无线技术之间的交互,或查看现代标准(如802.11/ad)中的整个宽带频率范围。
Main performance index
1. The oscilloscope
4 analog channels
Models of 1 GHz, 500 MHz, 350 MHz and 200 MHz bandwidth
Bandwidth upgradable (up to 1 GHz)
Up to 5 GS/s sampling rate
20 M record length on all channels
> 340,000 WFM /s maximum waveform capture rate
Standard passive voltage probe, 3.9 pF capacitor load, 1 GHz or 500 MHz analog bandwidth
2. Spectrum analyzer (optional)
The frequency range is 9 khz-3 GHz or 9 khz-6 GHz
The super wide capture bandwidth is greater than or equal to 1 GHz
The time synchronization acquisition function of the spectrum analyzer supports analog and digital acquisition
Frequency - to - time, amplitude - to - time and phase - to - time waveforms
3. Arbitrary function generator (optional)
13 pre-defined waveform types
50 MHz waveform generation function
128 k arbitrary waveform generator recording length
Sampling rate of 250 MS/s arbitrary waveform generator
4. Logical analyzer (optional)
16 digital channels
20 M record length on all channels
60.6 ps timing resolution
5. Protocol analyzer (optional)
Support I2C, SPI, rs-232/422/485 /UART, USB 2.0, Ethernet, CAN, CAN FD, LIN, FlexRay, mil-std-1553, arinc-429 and audio standard serial bus
6. Digital voltmeter/frequency counter (free after registration)
Voltage measurement of 4-bit AC RMS, DC and AC+DC RMS
5-bit frequency measurement
Typical applications
Embedded design
Perform system-level debugging on mixed signal embedded systems to quickly identify and solve problems, including the most common serial bus and wireless technologies.
Power design
Using automatic power quality, switch loss, harmonic, ripple, modulation and security areas measured, in the economic solutions to provide the most extensive power probe choices, reliable and repeatable voltage, current and power measurement.
EMI debugging
Determine which time-domain signals may cause unwanted EMI and quickly track EMI sources in embedded systems. Real-time view of the influence of time-domain signals on EMI radiation of the system.
Wireless debugging
In the use of bluetooth, WiFi, ZigBee 802.11, or some other wireless technology, MDO4000C can view the entire system, including the analog signal and digital signal and RF signals, and synchronization in time, to understand its true features. In a single capture, the uwb is captured, the interaction between multiple wireless technologies is viewed, or the entire broadband frequency range in modern standards, such as 802.11/ AD.
Managing multiple instruments on the workbench can be very troublesome. The MDO4000C integrates six instruments into one instrument without the need to manage multiple instruments. Integrated spectrum analyzer can teach advanced wireless technology courses while minimizing required investment. Comprehensive upgrade capabilities can be added when requirements change or when budgets allow.
Manufacturing testing and commissioning
Specifications and space constraints can have a significant impact on the workshop. The one-of-a-kind hexadecimal MDO4000C integrates multiple instruments into a small instrument to minimize the shelf or workbench space. Integration reduces the relative cost of using a variety of different instruments in a manufacturing test or commissioning station.
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