MSO44 | MSO46 | ||
FlexChannel 输入通道数 | 4 | 6 | |
模拟通道数 | 4 | 6 | |
数字通道数(带可选逻辑探头) | 32 | 48 | |
辅助触发输入端 | ≤300 V RMS (仅边沿触发) | ||
带宽(计算的上升时间) | 200 MHz, 350 MHz, 500 MHz, 1GHz, 1.5GHz | ||
DC 增益精度 | 50 Ω: ±1%, (±2.5% @ 1 mV/Div 和 500 µV/Div 设置), 30°C 以上时以 0.99%/°C 下降 1 MΩ 和 250 kΩ: ±1.0%, (±2.0% @ 1mV/Div 和 500µV/Div 设置) | ||
ADC 分辨率 | 12 位 | ||
垂直分辨率 | 8 位 @ 6.25 GS/s 12 位 @ 3.125 GS/s 13 位 @ 1.25 GS/s(高分辨率) 14 位 @ 625 MS/s(高分辨率) 15 位 @ 312.5 MS/s(高分辨率) 16 位 @ ≤125 MS/s(高分辨率) | ||
采样率 | 在所有模拟/数字通道上为 6.25 GS/s(160ps 分辨率) | ||
记录长度(标配) | 在所有模拟/数字通道上 31.25 M 点 | ||
记录长度(选配) | 所有模拟/数字通道上 62.5 M 样点 | ||
波形捕获速率,典型值 | >500,000 wfms/s | ||
任意波形/函数发生(选配) | 13 种预先定义的波形类型,高达 50 MHz 输出 | ||
DVM | 4 位 DVM | ||
触发频率计数器 | 8 位频率计数器 |
Do not delay your inspection and debugging process because there are not enough channels!
The 4-series MSO offers 4-channel and 6-channel models and 13.3-inch hd (1,920 x 1,080) monitors for better viewing of complex systems. Many applications such as embedded systems, three-phase electro-electronic devices, automotive electronics, power design, and dc-dc power converters require the observation of more than four analog signals, the testing and characterization of device performance, and the debugging of challenging system problems.
Most engineers remember debugging particularly difficult problems to get a better view of the system and its status, but using oscilloscopes that provided only two or four analog channels. Using a second oscilloscope is cumbersome, requiring alignment of the trigger points, making it difficult to determine the timing relationship between the two monitors, and document management issues.
You may think that the price of 6-channel oscilloscope will be 50% higher than that of 4-channel oscilloscope, then you will be pleasantly surprised to find that our 6-channel oscilloscope is only 20% more expensive than the 4-channel model. The added simulation channels pay off quickly because you can complete current and future projects on schedule.
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