PicoVNA 106 矢量网络分析仪
Once the domain of an elite few, microwave measurement has encroached into the lives of scientists, educators, surveyors, inspectors, engineers and technicians alike. Today’s microwave measurements need to be straightforward, portable, accurate, cost-effective and easy to learn.
The PicoVNA 106 is an all new, UK-designed, professional USB-controlled, laboratory grade vector network instrument of unprecedented performance, portability and value for money.
Vector network analysis everywhere
The PicoVNA’s small size, weight and cost, and high performance suit it to field service, installation test, embedded and classroom applications. With its remote automation capability, it’s also attractive in applications such as:
•Test automation
•Manufacturers needing to integrate a reflectometry or transmission measurement core
•Inspection, test, characterization and calibration in the manufacture, distribution and service center industries
•Electronics component, assembly and system, and interface/interconnect ATE(cable, PCB and wireless)
•Material, geological, life science and food sciences; tissue imaging; penetrating scan and radar
•Broadband cable and harness test at manufacture, installation and fault-over-life monitoring
•Antenna matching and tuning
Professional and portable performance at low cost
300kHz to 6GHz operation
High speed of > 5000 dual port S-parameters per second
Quad RX four-receiver architecture for best accuracy
118dB dynamic range at 10Hz bandwidth
0.005dB RMS trace noise at maximum bandwidth of 140kHz
Half-rack, small-footprint, lightweight package
PC-controlled over USB from a Microsoft Windows interface
Reference plane offsetting and de-embedding
Time domain and port impedance transformations
Tabular and graphic print and save formats, including Touchstone
P1dB, AM to PM, and stand-alone signal generator utilities
Fully accessible, guided 8 and 12-term calibration processes
6 calibration modes, including unknown thru and connected DUT isolation.
HAT220A/HAT240A双电源自动切换控制器 万讯自控 PWS双轴行星减速机 11XD-PC倒置金相显微镜 翻斗式雨量计 电子静水天平 多功能机器人 数显鼓风干燥箱 食品安全综合速测仪 电导率电极 电磁打点计时器 等电位隔离器 风力发电 动态流量控制阀 层流传递窗 水质测试仪 传感器原理及应用 现场金相显微镜 齿轮油泵CBS-5 瓦斯放散初速度测定仪 不锈钢电热蒸汽灭菌器 液压制动器 FG300智能型压力变送器 MD300金属探测器 喷雾粒度分析仪 通信电缆施工 离心脱泥机 电线电缆价格公式 JL269燃气泄漏检漏仪 侵华日军第七三一罪证陈列馆 负压变送器 移动式泵站 缓动继电器 红外检测器 阻燃电线电缆 塑料包装膜抗静电剂 低温液氮槽 商用反渗透纯水机 雷达水位流速一体机 数显试验机 开关电容式转换器 便携式温室气体分析仪 压电式降雨量测量仪 快速灭菌器 温度有纸记录仪 单座调节阀 防爆限位开关 智能锅炉汽包液位计 金属测厚仪 ZZYP自力式调节阀