MZ Magnetic Driven Self-Priming Pump
MZ magnetic driven self-priming pump is designed mainly for unloading vessels and tanker cars, to ensure quick priming by removing the air in the inlet and discharge piping; it can convey petrochemical products such as liquid hydrocarbon, gasoline, kerosene and diesel oil and inflammable and explosive, toxic and harmful liquid in chemical and pharmaceutical industries, and is especially suitable as vessel oil pump and handling pumps for onshore oil depot and oil tankers.
结构说明 Description of structure
1.Horizontal and external mixing type, with good self-priming performance.
2.Magnetic driven, fully enclosed and leakage free.
3.The body is supported with feet, with axial suction and radial discharge.
4.The impeller is enclosed type; the axial load is balanced mainly with back vane, and the residual axial load is taken by sliding bearings.
5.When liquid circulates within the pump for a long time, to prevent heating up of such circulating liquid, temperature control protection device can be provided.
6.It is not necessary to install a bottom valve in the piping, and before operation, it is only required to have given amount of priming liquid within the pump body.
7.It is in rear pull-out design, so maintenance can be done without involving the inlet and discharge piping, convenient in use.
8.Either direct driving by motor or connection via diaphragm coupling can be used.
性能范围 The main specifications
流量 Capacity 1.6~400m3/h
扬程 Head 20~125m
介质温度 Temperature -20℃~+120℃
进口直径 Import diameter 25~200mm
工作压力 The max working pressure 1.6MPa
型号意义 Type denotation
泵常用材料 Common pump materials
标准性能表 Standard performance table
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