DGC pump is a magnetic driven multi-stage centrifugal pump with double-layer volute. This product is designed to convey fluid at low flow with high head. This product features advanced and novel structure design, hydraulic design and magnetic path design, with technology at the leading level in China. Highland is the first to successfully apply the magnetic driving technology in multi-stage centrifugal pumps, solving the question of high power and large gap magnetic path design, at the leading level in China. It also solved issues of axial force balance of multi-stage pumps at high working pressure and static sealing, and the matching of magnetic driving coupling and bearing failure monitoring device, further ensuring the long-term safe and reliable operation of pumps.
This product is suitable for conveying inflammable and explosive, toxic, harmful media containing no solid particles and other media requiring no leakage, and allowing no contamination by sealing isolating liquid. It is extensively used as liquid hydrocarbon pump in oil refineries, methanol, ethyl glycol and ethanol amine pump in chemical sector, amine circulating pump in natural gas sector, drain pump in power plants and boosting water injection pump in oil fields.
结构说明 Description of structure
1. Horizontal radial split, the outer volute in cylindrical bag structure, and inner volute in section structure.
2. High power magnetic driving, fully enclosed,no leakage and no contamination.
3.Double layer volute protection, well solving the problem of buckling deformation of pump under heat impact and high pressure, and ensuring absolute safety and freedom of leakage.
4.Foot support (basic type) and central support (high temperature type) can be selected according to medium temperature.
5. The axial load is coordinated and balanced by the balance drum, balance disc, sliding thrust bearing and magnetic drive coupling force.
6.The pump inlet can be arranged horizontally, vertically or at any angle on lateral side, and the pump discharge can be arranged
vertically or at any angle on lateral side.
7. Two structures are available: direct connection with motor or connection via diaphragm coupling.
8. The materials of the flow passage components can be selected accordingly according to the properties of the materials conveyed.
性能范围 The main specifications
流量 Flow 3~280m3/h
扬程 Head 75~600m
介质温度 Temperature -45℃~+450℃
进口直径 Import diameter 32~250mm
工作压力 The max working pressure 10MPa
型号意义Type denotation
泵常用材质 Common pump materials
直流配电设备 压力测量不确定度评定实例 SS02轴承 便携式可燃气体探测器 真石漆设备 包装箱挤压试验机 工字型隔膜压力表 卡装式涡街流量计 高温烘箱 电源连接器 东莞诺鼎金属检测仪金属检测器 干式水表 超声波测距仪 中华人民共和国商品归类决定汇编——中国海关1999-2006年归类决定(Ⅱ) 粉磨机 台式电子试验机 fci连接器 精密脉冲声级计 分光测色计 选矿流程 精密数字表 电容式加速度传感器 纱线张力仪HANDY-TENS 无线报警器 污水处理设备 CH9007U 三通控制阀 离心式分样器 防爆扬声器 SIMCA 三相大电流发生器 硫化氢气体探测仪 景深合成 洗肠机 智能数字压力表 WaltronTech机器视觉系统 电动截止阀 精密电动搅拌器 超声波水位计 农田土壤水分观测站 直接电热式培养箱 幕墙拉索张力检测仪 红外线水份测定仪 氙灯老化箱 数显箱式电阻炉 移动地磅 LU-907M 智能电缆故障测试仪 316L不锈钢法兰 充瓶用压缩机