This valve is widely used in building material, mining, coal, chemical, metallurgy and thermoelectricity industries etc. It can automatically adjust and control the carrying of material. It also can prevent improper air from entering in order to keep the system working normally.
Structure characteristic:
This valve is welded in fine steel, having the features of handy to operate, good seal, reliable performance and having the function of automatic air-locking dropping material. It is the ideal equipment to transport or adjust non-glutinosity solid powder, small grain and crystalloid material.
Performance parameter:
适用介质 Suitable medium | 适用温度 Suitable temperature | 卸灰能力 Discharge amount |
粉尘物料 Powder dust material | ≤350℃ | 15~65t/h |
Working principle:
The valve realizes discharging using trimming moment. When the moment made by material on turning plate is greater than that of heavy hammer and rocker, the disc will open adown to discharge. After discharge the moment made by heavy hammer and rocker will drive disc close quickly to realize locking air. Dropping material frequency and discharge amount is determined by the working condition demand to adjust heavy hammer position.
Operation instruction:
l 本阀连接方式为法兰连接。
l 安装时请注意阀体上标注介质流向,两法兰连接时必需加密封垫片,然后均匀锁紧螺栓。
l 设备在运行时,请定期给传动部分加润滑油。
l 若长期存放应使设备处于关闭状态,各传动部位加润滑油,不允许露天存放或堆置。
l Joint type of this valve is flange joint.
l Pay attention to the direction of medium in valve body. Add seal cushion between two flanges connection and screw down bolt. Please add lubricant to transmission part regularly when the equipment is working.
l Add lubricant to transmission part when valve is long stored. It should not be placed or piled up in the open air.
Appearance joint dimension:
Information for order
l 选用订货时,请参照产品样本注明产品规格、型号及技术参数(使用温度、设备工况、介质性质等)。
l 表格中未列规格、用于特殊介质或其它特殊要求,请与我公司经销部、技术部联系,可为您另行设计、制造。
l Please indicate the type, model and technical parameter (using temperature, working condition of equipment and characteristic of medium etc) referring to the product sample when you place an order.
l If you have other special demand, need special medium or the spec that is not listed in the table, please contact with our department of market and technology. We can design and manufacture for you especially.
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