Del Mar-APIS Sulphur analysers COLORSULF Series use lead acetate as the detection method (colorimetry), which is the most specific for Hydrogen Sulphide detection in the industry. Del Mar-APIS CHEMCOLOR contains a propriety chemical composition that enhances Hydrogen Sulphide gas determination. DelMar APIS sulphur analysers FLUOSULF Series use ultra violet Fluorescence detection method (UVF) and are following the ASTM D54 53 and ISO CD 20846 Methods. Del Mar-APIS Sulphur analysers COLORSULF Series comply with the following ASTM Standards: D 4045-96, D 4084-82, D 4323-84, D 4468-85. Meets international Quality Standards: ISO, CSA, ASTM, CENELEC, NEC, COFRAC, GOST, ATEX.
The Microrate series was introduced in 1979 and is now an industry standard for H2S monitoring. The microprocessor based, single photocell concept has proven to be extremely accurate and reliable. In 1990, the SULFURSMART serie was developed and introduced and in 1994 the COLORSULF was developed in Europe. Building on the success of our Microrate series, we have developed technology to increase the range of the unit, ease of operation and simplify calibration. Instruments manufactured by Del Mar-APIS are CENELEC/ATEX certified to meet European requirements for hazardous area installations. We are ISO9000/2000 certified since 2003. | (Fig.: H2S |
药品稳定性试验室 TLS-S50I双数显弹簧拉压试验机 轴销式传感器 冰淇淋均质机 相差显微镜 青岛科技大学中德科技学院 灰熔融性测定仪 中国工业气体工业协会气体分析技术与仪器设备专业委员会 野外作业 卫生型温度传感器 热电偶校验仪 格力空调器维修图解 固定式球阀 气泡水位计 数字式汽车衡 三菱S-V系列电磁接触器 发瑞拉力机 煤矿机械杂志 不锈钢减压器 吊挂式组合空调机组 华星称重 弹性合金 端面铜电阻 风机轴承润滑脂 翻斗雨量监测站 天文望远镜 超纯水仪 荧光X射线测厚仪 气动角座阀 单片机编程器 红外测温仪手持式 微型负压泵 方形蝶阀 模拟量传感器 反相柱 上海奥格锐特 喷油泵试验台 生物传感器BOD快速测定仪的研制 水质化验 投入式水位监测站 二氧化碳多功能控制仪 光学行业超声波清洗机 SIMATHERM轴承加热器 脂肪测量仪 ET8930余氯-总氯-酸度-碱度-M浓度测定仪 交流电流隔离器 柯尼塔小型制冰机 软水设备控制阀 成都生物研究所公共实验技术中心 Vishay