Combustion and Environmental Systems
The product range of Combustion and Environmental specialize in flue gas monitoring equipment for combustion processes. The design, manufacture and supply of a range of combustion efficiency and environmental emissions monitoring instrumentation. Combustion Efficieny Monitoring Continuous boiler monitoring for optimizing efficiency:
Stack Emissions Monitors FGA Series analysers for continuous stack emissions monitoring of CO, O2, NO, NO2, SO2, CO2 in flue gas, using advanced duel sensor technique ADST to achieve accurate measurements with very low drift.
Portable Gas Analysers A range of lightweight, simple-to-use analyzers with facilities aimed at a wide range of applications. Simultaneous analysis of up to 9 gases including: CO, O2, CO2, NO, NO2, NOx, SO2, H2S, CxHy.
| Dust and Opacity Monitors A range of instruments with monitoring capabilities ranging from EPA compliance, to very low dust level requirements.
Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems CEM systems designed and engineered to meet exact customer requirements.
Turbine Blade Temperature Analysis A proven, non contact monitoring system for utility gas turbine rotor blade temperatures and condition. Turbine Sentry - Combustion Turbine Blade Temperature Analysis |
Components | Detection System | Models | |||
Oxygen O2 | Zirconia Oxygen sensor | Genesis | |||
Coarbonmonoxide CO | Infrared | 9000 | |||
Ammonium NH3 | Laser spectroscopy | LGA 17 | |||
Nitrous OxideN2O | Laser spectroscopy | LGA 44 | |||
Hydrogen flouride HF | Laser spectroscopy | LGA 20 | |||
Hydrogen chloride HCl | Laser spectroscopy | LGA 36 | |||
Dust and Opacity | Dual-LED-Technology | 4500 MkII+ | |||
Acid dewpoint | Conductivity | ADM 440 | |||
Turbine blade temperature monitioring | Pyrometer | Turbine Sentry |
Components | Detection System | Models | |||
Oxygen O2 | ADST-Advanced Dual Sensor Technology | FGA II | |||
Carbonmonoxide CO | ADST-Advanced Dual Sensor Technology | FGA II | |||
Corbondioxide CO2 | ADST-Advanced Dual Sensor Technology | FGA II | |||
Nitrogen oxides NO, NO2, NOx | ADST-Advanced Dual Sensor Technology | FGA II | |||
Sulphur oxide SO2 | ADST-Advanced Dual Sensor Technology | FGA II | |||
Hydrocarbons CxHy | FID | THA 300 | |||
Coal mill detection system | ADST-Advanced Dual Sensor Technology | Millwatch |
Components | Detection System | Models | |||
Oxygen O2 | Electrochemical | LANCOM III | |||
Carbonmonoxide CO | Electrochemical | LANCOM III | |||
Carbondioxide CO2 | Infrared | LANCOM III | |||
Nitrogen oxides NO, NO2 | Electrochemical | LANCOM III | |||
Sulphuroxide SO2 | Electrochemical | LANCOM III | |||
Hydrogen sulphide H2S | Electrochemical | LANCOM III | |||
Hydrocarbons CxHy | Pellistor/Catalytic | LANCOM III | |||
Acid dewpoint | Conductivity | ADM 220 |
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