Gauges & Transmitters
Gauges & Transmitters
Gauges & TransmittersOur Products: Gauges & Transmitters | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Supervisor, Electrical Shop Customer Testimonial
When it comes to gauges, whether mechanical or digital, The Standard is Meriam.SM Mechanical gauges have been the reliable standard in pressure measurement. They still perform accurately and reliably. Since the introduction of our first electronic products some 20 years ago, Meriam Process Technologies has been a leader in the evolution of process pressure measurement science. During those 20 years, Meriam engineers have focused on the need to integrate electronic technology, advanced sensors and computer technology into the measurement of pressure and flow. Meriam offers a wide variety of mechanical and digital pressure gauges for process measurement and indication. Terrific accuracy specifications and little-to-no temperature effect set these instruments apart from the competition. Many of our digital gauge products have multiple output options to increase their versatility in today’s changing control schemes. Count on Meriam to provide the pressure products that you need. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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