This portable device has been designed to meet the practical short and long term needs of the Service/Maintenance and Commissioning Engineer wishing to check the flow rate of liquids at different locations in a distribution or a process. The Portalok is sent to you as a complete system ready to measure any liquid in any pipe. Many clients worry about using an instrument that can easily be damaged by harsh environments , the battery running out or simply that the instrument will not work. EESIFLO have produced the Portalok 7S with this in mind and have weather protected sensors, cable and transmitter. The setup of the unit is simple and user friendly and can obtain the required flow information in minutes. Everything required for a flow measurement is shipped with the Portalok 7S Flow kit. |
胶囊外径镭射测量仪 桥式整流 防爆可燃气体检测仪 导电塑料角位移传感器 便携式金相显微镜 现场动平衡仪 多功能测距仪 吸虫塔 电磁振动台 能见度传感器 两用量热仪 岛津液相色谱仪 液晶型安全栅 单相自耦变压器 用气体涡轮流量计测量天然气流量 电子产品老化试验室 手持式温度传感器 电子电路图集(精华本) SHA-C数显高温油浴恒温振荡器 喷逐式熔断器 沟槽蝶阀 便携式 scepter 电力电容测试仪 涂层检测仪器 OU3500型 气体测定仪 不锈钢闸阀 国际标准对色灯箱 手持式VOC检测仪 恒温恒湿养护设备 防爆球磨机 TOC分析仪 纸张拉力试验机 P2实验室 中国海洋大学鱼类行为生态学实验室 土壤比重计 二线制接法 弹性敏感元件 爱上制作:120个绝妙的制作项目 单相电能表 欧姆龙电子MC-342FL tematec数显表 JWCJ20J交流节能接触器 物理化学吸收吸附仪 超纯水机设备 LZZ—1型钻探用金属转子流量计 高频雷达水位计 动态疲劳试验机 以太网卡 旋翼式蒸汽流量计