The Series 2500 Percent Oxygen Transmitter is a true two-wire transmitter offering an economical way to make accurate and dependable percent oxygen measurements in a variety of gases. The Series 2500 Percent Oxygen Transmitter is both dustproof and waterproof, and is rated for NEMA 4 (IP66) service.
Features | Benefits |
Wide Number of Ranges | Measure from <0.1% to 99% Oxygen |
Exceptional Speed of Response | Responds Instantaneously to Changes in Oxygen |
Rugged and Versatile Construction | NEMA 4 Housing Withstands Harsh Environments |
Economically Priced | Save Thousands of Dollars vs Other Methods |
Patented Extended Life Sensor | Eliminates Frequent Sensor Replacement |
Acid Gas Resistant Sensor | Eliminates Sample Conditioning for Many Applications |
System Description
The instrument is loop powered from 14-32 VDC, and provides a 4-20 mADC output that can be transmitted to a datalogger, recorder, PLC, DCS, etc. Internal shielding of the electronics offers excellent protection from EMI/RFI noise. Accessories for the Series 2500 Percent Oxygen Transmitter include a pressure regulator and in-line sample filter. An AC powered version (Series 2510), with optional sample pump is available as is an Explosion Proof Version rated Class 1, Groups B, C, & D, Div 1.
The Series 2500 Percent Oxygen Transmitter features a patented, extended life oxygen sensor with EES (Enhanced Electrolyte System). This sensor provides exceptional performance, accuracy, and stability. For applications where carbon dioxide is present in the sample gas, the EES retards passivation of the sensor anode by allowing the products of oxidation to dissolve in the electrolyte. In effect the sensor is renewed continuously, resulting in an increase in sensor life, even if exposed to limited amounts of carbon dioxide. The output from the sensor is temperature corrected to provide optimum performance over a wide range of operating conditions.
Some oxygen analyzers require the user to make manual adjustments (scale factor) to the instrument in order to compensate for certain changes in gas composition. Errors as large as 300% of the reading may exist if the factor isn’t changed, making the instrument a questionable choice for process applications. The Series 2500 Percent Oxygen Transmitters do not require any such adjustment and as such, are ideally suited for process monitoring and control applications.
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Measurement Ranges (percent oxygen): 0-2, 0-5, 0-10, 0-25, 0-50 and 0-100.
Accuracy: ±1% of full scale
Linearity: ±1% of full scale
Response Time: 90% of full scale in less than 20 seconds typical
Sensor Type: Patented Electrochemical Sensor
Temperature Compensation: Standard
Operating Temperature Range: 40° - 100°F (5° to 38°C)
Sample Gas Pressure Limits: 0.1 to 1.0 psig (1.04 kg/cm² to 1.10 kg/cm² )
Sample Flow Rate: 1.0 to 2.0 SCFH (0.5 to 1.0 liters/min.)
Electrical Input/Output: 14-32 VDC @ 4-20 mADC
Loop Resistance: |
Enclosure: Polycarbonate-rated NEMA 4 (IP66)
Gas Connections: 1/4” Compression fittings or Quick Connect fittings for 1/4" flex tubing
¹ Stated at constant temperature and constant pressure.
² Alpha Omega Instruments reserves the right to change specifications at any time.
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Learn more about oxygen sensor types
Explosion Proof Version
Shown above is the Series 2500/2510 Trace Oxygen Transmitter with optional explosion proof (NEMA 7) enclosure. Either the Series 2500 (loop powered) or Series 2510 (AC powered) Transmitters can be purchased in this configuration.
Learn more about oxygen analyzer enclosure types
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