X55-300 电气转换器
X55-300-EX 防爆型电气转换器简单介绍
X55-300-EX 防爆型电气转换器Explosion Proof Housing Input: 4-20mA Output: 3-15, 3-27 or 6-30 psig Ranges Non-standard ranges available Hard to Plug Design Low Air Consumption (0.002 SCFM) No Pre-regulator required Supply Pressure to 120 psi Vibration and shock Resistant Mount in any Position 0.2% of Span Accuracy Reverse/Direct and Split Range Operation -40 to +150癋 Operation Worldwide approvals
X55-300-EX 防爆型电气转换器的详细介绍
X55-300-EX 防爆型电气转换器
X55-300-EX Explosion Proof I/P Transducer
Explosion Proof Housing
Input: 4-20mA
Output: 3-15, 3-27 or 6-30 psig Ranges
Non-standard ranges available
Hard to Plug Design
Low Air Consumption (0.002 SCFM)
No Pre-regulator required
Supply Pressure to 120 psi
Vibration and shock Resistant
Mount in any Position
0.2% of Span Accuracy
Reverse/Direct and Split Range Operation
-40 to +150癋 Operation
Worldwide approvals
RONAN X55-300 Series I/P Transducer
The wide dynamic range on the control elements and associated solid-state technology allows the circuitry to compensate, even when passageways become partially obstructed. The technology and the physical design actually allows contaminates to "blow through."
Hard to Plug Design
Low Air Consumption (0.002 SCFM)
No Pre-regulator required
Supply Pressure to 120 psi
Vibration and shock Resistant
Mount in any Position
0.2% of Span Accuracy
Reverse/Direct and Split Range Operation
-40 to +150癋 Operation
Standard 3-15, 3-27 or 6-30 psi Ranges
Non-standard ranges available
Worldwide approvals
Related Support Material : Model X55-300 Series - Current to Pressure Transducer
Key: [L] = Registration Required - [R] = Reps Only
Knowledge Base
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X55-300 Product Brochure [L]
X55-300 I&O Manual [L]
IP-PI Brocure [L]
X55-300 Presentation (Powerpoint or PPT Viewer required) [L
直流配电设备 压力测量不确定度评定实例 SS02轴承 便携式可燃气体探测器 真石漆设备 包装箱挤压试验机 工字型隔膜压力表 卡装式涡街流量计 高温烘箱 电源连接器 东莞诺鼎金属检测仪金属检测器 干式水表 超声波测距仪 中华人民共和国商品归类决定汇编——中国海关1999-2006年归类决定(Ⅱ) 粉磨机 台式电子试验机 fci连接器 精密脉冲声级计 分光测色计 选矿流程 精密数字表 电容式加速度传感器 纱线张力仪HANDY-TENS 无线报警器 污水处理设备 CH9007U 三通控制阀 离心式分样器 防爆扬声器 SIMCA 三相大电流发生器 硫化氢气体探测仪 景深合成 洗肠机 智能数字压力表 WaltronTech机器视觉系统 电动截止阀 精密电动搅拌器 超声波水位计 农田土壤水分观测站 直接电热式培养箱 幕墙拉索张力检测仪 红外线水份测定仪 氙灯老化箱 数显箱式电阻炉 移动地磅 LU-907M 智能电缆故障测试仪 316L不锈钢法兰 充瓶用压缩机