Hydrogen generating in ultra high purity The HG series hydrogen generator produces pure hydrogen (and oxygen as a byproduct) by the electrolysis of water. The hydrogen (uhp quality 99,99999%) output flow is dependand on the model purchased, and it will generate the exact amount of hydrogen flow at a preset pressure (0…4 barg) as required by the attached application. Technical Details The key element of the generator is an electrochemical cell assembly which contains a solid polymer electrolyte. The solid electrolyte material is in the form of a sheet of plastic. There are no free acids or alkalines used. Deionized, destilled water is the only liquid contained in the unit; this must be periodically replenished as it is consumed. The generated hydrogen gas is accumulated in the hydrogen/water reservoir and the desiccant housing. The pressure is controlled through the use of a pressure transducer and adjusted at the front of the unit by service menu. The LC-display indicates the output pressure, and the hydrogen flow. The gas is dried by passing it through a drying nafion-tube and a desiccant tower. The water flows from the internal water tanks to the electrochemical cell assembly. Inside the cell assembly, electrolysis occurs, and positively charged hydrogen ions are transported across the solid polymer electrolyte along with excess water molecules. Negatively charged oxygen ions recombine to form molecular oxygen. The oxygen saturated water is fed into a water/oxygen separator vent, where the water is returned to the water tank, and the oxygen is vented to the atmosphere. The positively charged hydrogen ions recombine to form molecular hydrogen. The generated hydrogen is made available at the output port of the system. Residual hydrogen is vented to the atmosphere, and excess water is returned to the water tank. The quantity of hydrogen generated is directly proportional to the flow of current across the cell module. This current is carefully modulated by the electronic control circuitry that is an important part of the generator. The electrical power supplied to the cell is regulated to provide just enough power to create the required flow rate of hydrogen. The hydrogen generators can be installed in the laboratory and do not classify the surrounding area as dangerous. Technical data
H2 Generator Models for large volume of H2
All Hydrogen Generators in 19"-housing available. | Shipping weights
Sizes of housings
The primary routine maintenance required for the hydrogen generators are
Water consumption It is possible to produce 1,2 m³ hydrogen out of 1 ltr. deionized water (55,6 mol H2O). To supply a GC-FID a volume of 30…40ml/min. of carrier gas is needed. The supply of 6 FID's with 2 ltrs. of water is for one week by 24-hours-working possible. |
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