SensAlarm is the easiest to install and most reliable single point monitoring system available! Connect power and plug-in the SensAlert® sensor, and SensAlarm will automatically configure the system for gas type, range, engineering units (PPM/%LEL) and default alarm levels.
With active temperature compensation, the sensors are virtually drift-free and provide significantly reduced maintenance. SensAlarm is the ideal fully integrated single point system for toxic and combustible gasses and Oxygen deficiency/enrichment hazards.
The non-intrusive, menu driven calibration provides fast functional checks (under 2 minutes), and the new calibration data is written into sensor nonvolatile memory. This feature also allows for shop calibration and hot-swapping in the field or at the position of installation. SensAlarm comes standard with a horn, strobe and three user configurable relays to maximize functionality.
SensAlarm All-In-One Systems have a non-intrusive menu driven user interface designed for efficient set-up and maintenance. Applying a known zero gas to the sensor and touching ZERO with the magnet wand sets the zero. Touching the SPAN control with the magnet displays “Enter Value” and prompts the entry of the calibration gas concentration. The transmitter performs the span in 30-60 seconds. “Cal OK” or “Cal Fail” is displayed and the new calibration data is written into the sensors non-volatile memory.
Available sensors for SensAlarm
SensAlarm Documentation
Application Support
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