The LifeShirt was created to meet the needs of first responders, HazMat workers, firefighters, industrial cleanup crews, and homeland security. The LifeShirt is a durable, lightweight chest strap embedded with sensors that continuously collect life sign information. Breath rate, heart rate, activity, posture and skin temperature are all monitored by the sensors in the strap. Using a RAELink2 Modem, it easily integrates into an AreaRAE Network for real-time remote monitoring and data collection at a remote command center, where a commander can simultaneously monitor multiple team members. All of the collected data is stored and can be used for post-event analysis.
The LifeShirt system provides real-time life sign information in an easy-to-read visual display, allowing commanders to make informed decisions and proactively intervene to assist their teams in completing critical missions.
With the LifeShirt, thresholds can be set for each physiologic parameter. The system alerts when a threshold is reached. Trends can also be viewed to see how each parameter changes over time. Data is transmitted wirelessly via a RAELink2 Modem and AreaRAE Network to a remote monitoring station, where trained personnel, such as a commander, can monitor physiologic changes in real time during exercise, training, exertion and rest.
In emergency situations, people can push themselves too hard, leading to inefficiency and safety concerns. The data from the LifeShirt helps commanders determine when to rotate out team members for restorative breaks, to improve efficiency. The LifeShirt is also helpful when situations call for teams to wear heavy protective clothing. These outfits can lead to potential performance issues, including heat stress
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