Tracer Gas Model Selection Overview
Tracer gas leak standards – also referred to as calibrated leaks, leak standards and helium leaks – are used in a wide variety of test applications. Below are descriptions of the various standard models offered by CTS. |
The TP model which is available in leak rates ranging from 10-9 to 10-2 atm-cc/s was primarily developed to calibrate vacuum systems and helium leak detectors that test under vacuum. This model features a shut off valve which allows you to “Zero” the leak detector without removing the calibrated leak from the test manifold. |
The CPV and CPS models are available flowing several different gas types or mixes in leak rates ranging from 10-5 to 10-2 atm-cc/s. The CPV and CPS models were developed to accurately calibrate “sniffer” type leak detectors. The CPS model is an essential tool which allows you to check the concentration of a tracer gas in a mix. |
The CPH model is available flowing several different gas types for leak rates ranging from 10-6 to 10-2 atm-cc/s. This model was developed to be compatible with Ultra-High vacuum systems and other critical applications where out gassing and background signals need to be kept to a minimum. It was primarily developed to calibrate vacuum systems and helium leak detectors that test under vacuum. This model features an all metal shut off valve which allows you to “Zero” the leak detector without removing the calibrated leak from the test manifold. |
The CP model, though typically for helium is also available flowing several different gas types for leak rates ranging from 10-6 to 10-2 atm-cc/s. The CP model was primarily developed to calibrate vacuum systems and helium leak detectors that test under vacuum. This model features a shut off valve which allows you to “Zero” the leak detector without removing the calibrated leak from the test manifold. |
The GPH model is available in leak rates ranging from 10-10 to 10-5 atm-cc/s and utilizes a reliable glass permeation type leak element. |
The GP model helium calibrated leak standard is available in leak rates ranging from 10-9 to 10-5 atm-cc/s and utilizes the same reliable glass permeation type leak element. This model features a shut off valve which allows you to “Zero” the leak detector without removing the calibrated leak from the test manifold. |
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