The EESIFLO Sonalok- X is a non intrusive full bore ATEX certified spool flow meter designed for crude oil and hydrocarbon flow measurement where conventional technology cannot provide stable and accurate flow measurement due to changing water cuts. The Sonalok X is is available in pipe sizes ranging from 4 to 42 inches and from 150 ANSI to 1500 ANSI . It can be installed in general industry applications and in also in hazardous environments (Zone 1) . Spool piece construction materials are available in Carbon steel, stainless steel and Duplex. The system employs either single or dual path permanently coupled non-intrusive ultrasonic sensors mounted to a spool. This configuration provides full flow and zero pressure drop. The measurement technique used enables reliable flow data even during temperature fluctuation, a high turn-down ratio and ability to work at high temperatures. Advanced ultrasonic transducer technology combined with signal processing optimized for speed and robustness, provide enable operation in applications where conventional meters are unable to operate due to technology constraints over extended time periods. The Sonalok X does not drift due to changing watercuts or changing temperature. It is an excellent device used in conjunction with BS&W measurement and can is also excellent for all non custody transfer applications where operators can simply purchase the spool piece meter according to pipe requirements, wire up and turn it on. |
The Sonalok X is an alternative to wetted transducers which protrude into the pipe . The spool pieces are manufactured with smooth walls which increase signal attenuation and without the use of any form of grease or couplant between the sensor and pipe wall. This has great advantages in many applications where coupling compounds are not practical. The positioning of the sensors allows for some degree of change in refractive index due to a change in the liquid make up or temperature so that the signal is not lost from process variations. This could include temperature changes or some liquid variations . The non-intrusive sensors and electronics are not affected by process conditions and do not experience sensor coating or fouling enabling the system to work for extremely long periods of time and are maintenance free. The Sonalok X system is ideal for use wherever accurate, reliable and economical long-term flow measurement is critical to process and product quality. This includes applications such as hot /cold water mixtures of water/oil , produced water , fossil fuels and high temperature flow measurement. Measurement is non contaminating, obstructionless and causes no pressure drop |
比重天平 一体式超声波清洗机 ZT-E-Ⅰ2称重传感器 生化仪配套专用超纯水机 Vertex正相色谱柱 耐磨头 绝对折射率 有毒气体检测仪 电涡流位移传感器 大管道流量计 TLHG-6601红外人体表面温度测试仪 真石漆搅拌设备 步进电机 数显电子拉力试验机 HD-XL500节能马弗炉 双转子流量计 数显百分表 仪器分析实验 提升门 YJV电线电缆 创威科技 洛氏硬度 安检设备 大型振动试验机 上海精科YP3001N十分之一电子天平 二位阀 煤气压力计 温控调节阀 变频器专用电力电缆 机械密封结构图例及应用 洁盟视洁杯 便携式硬度计 RL-1Y预付费热量表 高温流量计 防爆行程开关 双向压蝶阀 赛邦家居店 智能网络秤 集成式机器视觉系统 无损检测员-磁粉检测 碳化氢 移动式光谱仪 全自动电机综合试验台 管道式加热器 色彩色差仪 ZCPY超高压电磁阀 电子目镜 金属扭转试验机 哑铃裁刀 浮球式液位开关