Net Safety's Millennium Low Power Combustible and Toxic Gas detectors are the only industrial gas detectors designed to draw as little as 32 mA of power. Developed in response to customer demand and intended for sites with limited primary or secondary power, the Millennium can be paired with a Catalytic Bead Combustible sensor, a variety of Toxic gas sensors or our stand-alone Solar Shield monitoring systems. The Millennium Low Power is an excellent choice for locations where even the smallest continuous load can be expensive - installations where power is supplied by a DC or solar powered uninterruptible power source. To obtain the lowest load possible, the Millennium is manufactured with solid state relays and the ability to dim the display and switch off the 4-20 mA output circuitry. Although requiring considerably less power than other industrial detectors, the Millennium does not sacrifice features or functionality. The compact and explosion-proof Millennium has a power disconnect switch to simplify maintenance, a scrolling LED display to facilitate calibration and configuration, and an internal push button and external magnetic switch for intrusive or non-intrusive calibration. Net Safety's Millennium Low Power Combustible and Toxic gas detectors are fast and accurate - proving an ideal solution for locations where continuous and reliable gas detection is essential but supplying power can be troublesome and costly! A full range of gases and custom configurations are available (ppm ranges etc.). Please consult our Sales Department. SPECIFICATIONS SHEET | PRODUCT MANUAL | ||||||||
上海精科YP3001N十分之一电子天平 二位阀 煤气压力计 温控调节阀 变频器专用电力电缆 机械密封结构图例及应用 洁盟视洁杯 便携式硬度计 RL-1Y预付费热量表 高温流量计 防爆行程开关 双向压蝶阀 赛邦家居店 智能网络秤 集成式机器视觉系统 无损检测员-磁粉检测 碳化氢 移动式光谱仪 全自动电机综合试验台 管道式加热器 色彩色差仪 ZCPY超高压电磁阀 电子目镜 金属扭转试验机 哑铃裁刀 浮球式液位开关 动态轮轴旋转弯曲疲劳试验台 块式制动器制动瓦块 温度传感器外壳 二氧化碳浓度检测仪 雾化试验机 WE-1000B液晶数显式试验机 建筑节能设备及系统 电子吊磅称 SF6气体综合测试仪 便携式气体检测报警仪 建筑设备安装技术与实例 机械秤 四合一气体检测仪 实验室高压均质机 微波萃取 六轴工业机器人 自来水表 TLHG-3302电能表现场校验仪 赛钛客专业液晶飞行仪表面板安装使用方法 上海越平FA1204C万分之一电子天平 航站楼离港系统 扫描探针显微镜 液压离合器 中阀控股集团