Industrial Controls Division | ||
High Pressure - Pressure Reducing Regulators | ||
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BB-1 Series | ?Lightweight, compact design ?Piston sensed for high cycle life ?Designed for liquid or gas media ?Non-venting ?Field adjustable or pre-set ranges | CAD | 6,000 PSIG | 0-80, 0-140, 0-220, 0-700, 0-1200, 0-1800 PSIG | Cv=.06 | Aluminum, 316 SST |
BB-5 Series | ?Lightweight, compact design ?Interstage - relief port ?Piston sensed for high cycle life ?Non-venting | CAD | 6,000 PSIG | 0-80, 0-140, 0-220, 0-700, 0-1200 PSIG | Cv=.06 | Aluminum, 316 SST |
44-1100 Series | ?Excellent sensitivity ?Piston sensed for high cycle life ?Inlet & outlet gauge ports standard ?40 micron (nominal) inlet filter ?Removable valve module for easy field repair ?Self-venting standard | CAD | 6,000, 10,000 PSIG | 5-500, 5-800, 10-1500, 15-2500, 25-4000, 50-6000 PSIG | Cv=.02 Cv=.06 Cv=.12 | Brass, 300 SST, 316 SST |
44-1800 Series | ?General purpose use ?Compact design ?Adjustable stop limits maximum outlet pressure ?Inlet & outlet gauge ports standard ?Non-venting standard | CAD | 6,000 PSIG | 15-2500 PSIG | Cv=.06 Cv=.24 | Brass, 300 SST, 316 SST |
26-1000 Series | ?Outlet pressure ranges are field changeable ?Numerous porting options ?Optional inlet pressures to 20,000 PSIG ?Large handknob provides fast low-torque pressure settings | CAD | 6,000, 10,000 PSIG | 5-500, 5-800, 10-1500, 15-2500, 25-4000, 50-6000, 200-10,000 PSIG | Cv=.02 Cv=.06 Cv=.12 | Brass, 300 SST, 316 SST |
26-2000 Series | ?Designed for both hydraulic and pneumatic service ?Captured vent standard ?Designed for heavy duty shock and vibration service ?Choice of metal to metal or soft seat ?Compatible with Tescom Electronic Controllers | CAD | 6,000, 10,000, 15,000 PSIG | 5-500, 5-800, 10-1500, 15-2500, 25-4000, 50-6000 PSIG | Cv=.02 Cv=.06 Cv=.12 | Brass, 316 SST |
组织捣碎匀浆机 YJV电力电缆 鞋跟冲击疲劳度试验机 直流断路器安秒特性测试系统 双目生物显微镜 双螺旋搅拌机 金膜富集冷原子吸收法 防爆镇流器 DYCZ-24F双垂直电泳仪 LD-B10干变温控仪 吉林市科学技术研究院 电阻远传压力表 双控量热仪 XBD-I多级消防泵 设备状态巡检仪 空气弹簧爆破测试机 冷原子荧光测汞仪试剂配制方法 甲醛探测器 CIS 高翔水表 城镇供水排水行业水流量计量仪表的选型与应用技术 电动蝶阀 倒置金相显微镜 特殊电量的测量 新型液压元件结构与拆装维修 绝缘子串电压分布测量仪 防爆蝶阀 电子式继电器 前级泵 船用截止阀 索富通报警器 挥发性有机物在线分析仪 水压表 光伏熔断器 组合式调节阀 热工测量及控制 卡片式放大镜 液压伺服系统 便携式氨气检测仪 电阻应变式传感器 桥式整流器 抛光除尘器 白度测定仪 便携式超声波探伤仪 气体压力计 开关量变送器 便携式测温仪 超低温实验箱 手持式红外测温仪 WRPK