Industrial Controls Division | ||
High Flow - Pressure Reducing | ||
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26-1100 Series: Compact/High Flow | ?Diaphragm sensed - highly sensitive ?Modular construction - easy service ?External sensing available for improved accuracy ?Balanced main valve increases seat life | CAD | 6,000, 10,000 PSIG | 55-6,000, 55-10,000 PSIG | Cv=.46 Cv=1.3 | Brass or 300 SST |
26-1200 Series: High Flow | ?Similar to 26-1100 above with higher flow capacity | CAD | 6,000 PSIG | 100-6,000 PSIG | Cv=3.3 Cv=6.0 Cv=12.0 | 300 SST |
44-1300 Series: Versatile | ?Excellent sensitivity ?Self-venting ?Extremely reliable ?Spring, dome or air ratio loading available | CAD | 3,750, 4,500 PSIG | 10-300, 15-600, 20-1000, 50-1500 PSIG | Cv=.8 Cv=2.0 | Brass or 300 SST |
44-1500 Series: High Flow | ?Self-venting ?6,000 PSIG inlet ?Spring, dome or air ratio loading available ?Compatible with Tescom electronic pressure controllers | CAD | 6,000 PSIG | 10-200, 10-400, 10-600 PSIG | Cv=.3 | Brass or 316 SST |
44-4000 Series: Tracking | ?Captured self-venting standard ?Adjustable bias pressures ?Compatible with Tescom electronic pressure controllers ?Piston sensed - highly reliable | CAD | 6,000 PSIG | 50-1500 PSIG | Cv=.7 Cv=2.0 | Brass or 300 SST |
44-4200 Series: Economical | ?Dome loaded ?Piston sensed - highly reliable ?Non-venting only ?Compatible with Tescom electronic pressure controllers | CAD | 6,000 PSIG | 50-1500 PSIG | Cv=.8 Cv=2.0 | Brass or 300 SST |
CP32 Series: Pilot Operated | ?High flow, low droop ?Gauge port option ?Excellent sensitivity and repeatability | CAD | 3,000 PSIG | 500 PSIG | Cv=1.0 | Brass |
DH Series: Low Pressure | ?Diaphragm sensed - highly sensitive ?Rapid response time ?Excellent repeatability ?Very high flows at low pressures | CAD | 300 PSIG | 0-20, 0-50, 0-100, 0-150, 2-250 PSIG | Cv=5.0 | Brass or 316 SST |
ZSDO30-E+ 三用表校验仪 R型热水循环泵长沙宏力水泵 莱伯泰科 WDW-500E电子试验机 milli-q integral 液压材料试验机 小流量控制器 管道自吸泵 TPJ弹簧疲劳试验机 数字多用表 液化气报警器 微机全自动制冷式量热仪 称重传感器BSS 温压补偿涡街流量计 过程校准仪 RT250表面色度色差仪 离心选矿机 光电探测系统 软饮料分析仪 PC型离子风机 BL4 加热板 气路单向阀 分样器 轴重秤 电容式液位变送器 有毒气体报警器 暗场显微镜 门式拉力实验机 液位控制仪 SB-O3手摇油泵 图像传感器 精密积分声级计 自动调节阀 PM10粉尘仪 大流量润滑油齿轮泵 衬氟蝶阀 直流电阻测试仪器 多功能数字高压测量仪 臭氧浓度测定仪 中高温三向压电加速度计 广西农业农业资源与环境研究所 便携式微电脑粉尘仪 Q41F法兰球阀 排泥器 六价铬水质自动在线监测仪技术要求 螺旋式搅拌器 自动温控阀 包装称 电炉无纸记录仪