The PlasmaEtch decapsulation system is a revolutionary patent-pending gas-based semiconductor etching system. Employing a never-before-seen application of microwaved gases inciting chemical radicals for isotropic etching, the PlasmaEtch is the greenest and most cost-effective etching solution available. The PlasmaEtch can etch most sample sizes, encapsulant types, and wire bond types. Whether it’s a more traditional gold wire sample, or if the sample features copper or silver wires, the PlasmaEtch delivers a safe and reliable etch.
Afterburner Downstream Focused Plasma Etching(延时激发下行聚焦离子蚀刻)
Mass Flow Controlling for All Gases(所有气体流量可控)
No Microwave Radiation Exposure to Samples During Etch Process(无微波辐射)
Low Temperature Etching(低温蚀刻)
Isotropic Etching(等向性蚀刻)
Unlike typical and less sophisticated plasma decap systems that take many hours or even days to get to the surface of the die, the PlasmaEtch can clear the encapsulant of most package types and reveal the complete die surface and wire sweep in a matter of a couple hours. Chemical-free decapsulation has never been so effective.
Highly Customizable Etch Recipes(高度可定制的蚀刻配方)
Etches a Wide Variety of Package Types(可蚀刻各种各样的封装类型)
Completely Chemical-free Decap(非化学方式蚀刻)
Touchscreen Interface(触控屏)
PC/Windows-based GUI(基于PC / Windows的GUI)
The Only Solution for Silver Wires(银线的解决方案)
Etches Samples with All Wire Types(可蚀刻所有引线类型的样品)
Small Footprint Suited for Tabletop(桌上型紧凑尺寸机柜)
液压与气压传动 全自动互感器综合校验仪 三菱变频器 LFY-701恒温恒湿箱 PS电动执行器 小型台式切药机 动平衡仪 475手操器 对焊环松套法兰 直饮水设备 低温恒温反应浴 firstman 液体塑料管转子流量计 远红外线加热板 TRL400激光粗糙度测量仪 燃气闸阀 奥德姆EX2000可燃气体检测仪 BOD分析仪 蒸馏测定仪 半薄切片 静电电压表 millipore simplicity 卫生级止回阀 太阳能净水器 感应水龙头 低压配电盘 间歇球磨机 汽油气体报警器 恒温加热消解仪 电容式触摸屏 真空压力传感器 台式直读光谱仪 压力表选型 双导柱液压升降分散机 AT6130辐射检测仪 槽式桥架 激光粉尘计数器 蒸汽老化试验箱 汽车报警器 人参皂苷Rg5在制备预防急性肾损伤药物中的用途 光纤衰减器 上海有机化学研究所 自来水电磁流量计 差压控制仪 高压电容器 CCS压力开关 电气控制与PLC实用技术教程 蒸发计 上海乘日仪器仪表中心 全自动量热仪