产品编号 测量范围
DI601 10米
DI602 20米
DI605 50米
DI610 100米
尺寸 直径18毫米,长度90毫米
重量 60克
外壳材质 RVS 316L型不锈钢
压力传感器材质 陶瓷
采样频率 0.5秒到99小时
内存 48000组数据
电池寿命 8到10年
温度范围 -20到80摄氏度
精度 ±0.1摄氏度
分辨率 0.01摄氏度
温度补偿范围 -10到40摄氏度
深度范围 10,20,50和100米四种可选
精度 ±0.05% 全量程
分辨率 0.2,0.4,1和2厘米(对应四种范围)
Compact Size
Measuring only 88 mm (3.46") in length and 18 mm (0.71") in diameter, the Micro-Diver is the smallest Diver capable of accurately recording groundwater levels and temperature.
The Micro-Diver is specifically designed for monitoring wells or drive-points too small to accommodate larger dataloggers.
In addition to its compact size, the Micro-Diver’s memory capacity can store up to 48,000 measurements per parameter - almost one measurement every ten minutes for an entire year.
Ø Compact size: Ø 18 mm - length 88 mm
Ø 48,000 records of time stamp, pressure and temperature
Ø 30-Point Pressure Factory Calibration
Ø Pre-programmed and user defined pumping tests
Ø Fits ¾ inch drive points and piezometers
Ø Event based, averaging and pumping tests sample methods to conserve memory
Ø Cost effective frequent, long-term measuring
Ø Reliable and accurate data
Ø No need to search through extraneous data
Ø Fits any application
Ø Groundwater monitoring projects
Ø Direct push/Drive point piezometers
Ø Pumping tests and slug tests
Ø Estuary and wetlands monitoring
Ø Groundwater monitoring network automation
Ø Aquifer storage and recovery projects
Ø Long term water level monitoring
Technical Specification
Length Diameter Weight Memory Wetted parts housing o-rings pressure sensor cap / nose cone Battery life Sample interval Sample methods | 88 mm 18 mm 50 grams 48,000 measurements
ceramic (ZrO2) Viton ® piezoresistive ceramic Nylon PA6 30% glass fiber 10 years (dependent on usage) ½ second to 99 hours fixed, event dependent, averaging, and pumping test |
Model | DI601 | DI602 | DI605 | DI610 | Unit |
Range | 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | meter |
Accuracy | ±1.0 | ±2.0 | ±5.0 | ±10.0 | cmH2O |
Resolution | 0.2 | 0.4 | 1.0 | 2.0 | cmH2O |
Value | Unit | |
Range | -20 .. +80 | °C |
Accuracy | ±0.1 | °C |
Resolution | 0.01 | °C |
红外气体传感器 角位移传感器 饱和溶解氧 ZCF型铸钢防爆型电磁阀 海拔气压表 复合环氧树脂复合型电缆桥架 快速灰化炉 投影器 防滴漏水表 涡轮式搅拌器 氟塑料电缆 万用电阻炉 MYFQ-CX磁性浮子液位计 直流电能表 空气加热器 平行板电容器 电子内窥镜 地下电缆探测仪 低温恒温槽使用说明书 高温疲劳试验机 组织捣碎匀浆机 YJV电力电缆 鞋跟冲击疲劳度试验机 直流断路器安秒特性测试系统 双目生物显微镜 双螺旋搅拌机 金膜富集冷原子吸收法 防爆镇流器 DYCZ-24F双垂直电泳仪 LD-B10干变温控仪 吉林市科学技术研究院 电阻远传压力表 双控量热仪 XBD-I多级消防泵 设备状态巡检仪 空气弹簧爆破测试机 冷原子荧光测汞仪试剂配制方法 甲醛探测器 CIS 高翔水表 城镇供水排水行业水流量计量仪表的选型与应用技术 电动蝶阀 倒置金相显微镜 特殊电量的测量 新型液压元件结构与拆装维修 绝缘子串电压分布测量仪 防爆蝶阀 电子式继电器 前级泵 船用截止阀