(HCM-SQ Series Fluxgate-effect Current Sensor between primary and secondary is insulated, Good accuracy and linearity, can be used for ultra-high accuracy current measurement)
电气参数(Electrical characteristics) 型号 Type HCM100-SQ HCM500-SQ HCM800-SQ Ipn 额定输入电流 Rated input 100 400 800 A Ipm 测量电流范围 Measuring range 100 500 800 A Out 输出 Rated output voltage CAN2.0B 接口/RS485 接口 Io 零电流失调 Zero offset current ≤10 mA Vc 电源电压 Supply voltage +9-16 V RL 外接电阻 External resistance 120 Ω Ic 功耗 Current consumption ≤80 mA Iot 零点温漂 Thermal drift of Io ≤100 ppm/℃ F 带宽 Frequency bandwidth(-3dB) DC KHz εG 精度 Accuracy ±0.2 % εL 线性度 Linearity ±0.05 % 波 特 率Rate of bote followed 250kpbs IP 防护等级 Protection level IP56 Vd 绝缘电压 Insulation voltage 2.5 KV Ta 工作温度 Ambient operating temperature -40~+105 ℃ Ts 储存温度 Ambient storage temperature -40~+125 ℃ M 重量 mass 80 g 标准Standards EN50178/IEC61010-1/UL94-Vo/ROHS
1、 应用:通讯电源、不间断电源UPS、斩波器、电化学、整流、电源监测、电焊机、变频、开关电源、电池监测、电动机监测等领域。Application: communication power supply, uninterruptible power supply UPS chopper, electrochemical, rectifier, power monitoring, welding machines, inverter, switching power supply, battery monitoring, motor monitoring fields.
2、传感器的输出幅度可根据用户需要进行适当调节。The amplitude of the output of the sensor can be appropriately adjusted according to user needs.
3、可按用户需求定制不同额定输入电流和输出电压的传感器。Custom different rated input current and the output voltage of the sensor.
下载详细资料 HCM-SQ汽车专用.pdf
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