TPP1000、TPP0500B、TPP0502 和 TPP0250 型号是泰克推出的高带宽通用探头,提供了这一产品系列之前从未使用的突破性技术规格。这些型号的探头专门针对泰克 MDO3000、MDO4000、MSO/DPO5000 和 5 系列 MSO 系列示波器而设计,能够提供高达 1 GHz 的模拟带宽,容性负载低于 3.9 pF。
1 GHz、500 MHz 和 250 MHz 探头带宽型号
<4 pF 输入电容
10X 和 2X 衰减系数
300 V CAT II 输入电压
适用于 MDO3000、MDO4000、MSO/DPO5000 和 5 系列 MSO 系列示波器
小型 MMCX 可更换端部套筒,用于建立安全的免手持连接( TPP1000)
0.1 英寸(2.54 毫米)和 0.062 英寸(1.57 毫米)方针适配器连接到 MMCX 端部套筒,可轻松建立与方针头以及 0402 组件之间的免手持连接( TPP1000)
这种极低的容性负载降低对电路的不利影响,能够允许更长的接地引线。而且由于探头的带宽较宽,因此能够查看对于高速应用极为重要的信号高频分量。TPP1000、TPP0500B 和 TPP0250 无源电压探头具有所有通用探头的优势,比如高动态范围、柔性连接选项以及耐用的机械设计,同时提供有源探头的性能。
TPP0502 提供行业带宽 (500 MHz) 和衰减系数 (2X),适于进行低压测量,比如波纹测量,这是对电源输出的常见测量。TPP0502 的低容性负载意味着还可以在此探头上应用长接地引线,同时对测量效果的影响最小,因而工程师可以更灵活地在设计周围移动,不必担心接地引线的长度问题。
TPP1000, TPP0500B, TPP0502, and TPP0250 are tektronix's high-bandwidth general-purpose probes, offering breakthrough technical specifications never before used in this product line. These types of probes are specifically designed for the tektronic MDO3000, MDO4000, MSO/DPO5000 and 5-series MSO oscilloscopes to provide analog bandwidth up to 1 GHz with a capacitive load of less than 3.9 pF.
Key performance indicators
1 GHz, 500 MHz and 250 MHz probe bandwidth model
<4 pF input capacitance
10X and 2X decay coefficients
300 V CAT II input voltage
Suitable for MDO3000, MDO4000, MSO/DPO5000 and 5 series MSO series oscilloscopes
The main features
Compact probe head suitable for probing small geometric circuit elements
The smaller probe body makes it easier to observe the device under test
The rigid end ensures the connectivity of the equipment to be tested
Small MMCX replaceable end sleeve for secure hands-free connection (TPP1000 only)
The 0.1-inch (2.54-mm) and 0.062-inch (1.57mm) policy adaptor is connected to the MMCX end sleeve to easily establish a hands-free connection to the policy head and 0402 components (TPP1000 only)
Replaceable probe end sleeve
Large accessory kit with multiple connection capabilities
The integrated oscilloscope and probe measurement system provides intelligent communication that automatically scales and adjusts units on the oscilloscope display to match probe attenuation
Built-in ac compensation optimizes the signal path for the entire frequency range
Low power equipment
Production engineering test
Research and development
Accurate high speed passive detection technology
This extremely low capacitive load reduces the adverse effect on the circuit and allows for longer grounding leads. And because the probe has a wide bandwidth, it can view the high-frequency components of the signal that are important for high-speed applications. The TPP1000, TPP0500B, and TPP0250 passive voltage probes have all the advantages of common probes, such as high dynamic range, flexible connection options, and durable mechanical design, while providing active probe performance.
Accurate low pressure
TPP0502 provides the highest bandwidth (500 MHz) and lowest attenuation factor (2X) in the industry and is suitable for low voltage measurements, such as ripple measurements, which are common measurements of power output. The low capacitive load of the TPP0502 means that the probe can also have a long ground lead applied to it with minimal impact on the measurement results, allowing engineers to move around the design more flexibly without having to worry about the length of the ground lead.
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