意大利GEFRAN【杰佛伦】集团公司总部坐落于意大利,是工业控制行业上市公司企业中的明星企业,长期保持着高速的增长。集团公司目前在多个国家拥有2000多名经过GEFRAN公司培训后的专业销售及技术服务人员,并在多个国家设立了多个集研发生产与一体的工作中心。GEFRAN公司的全系列产品均通过的欧洲质量体系认证。GEFRAN公司更是的工业自动化设备供应商之一。其主要产品为 位移传感器(其中包括线性直线位移传感器、线性旋转位移传感器)、高温熔体压力传感器(其中包括标准水银填充型,主要用于工业行业、食品行业硅油填充型-用于食品、医药等行业)、压力传感器(属于常温型,可用于各个需要检测压力的工业行业)、 载荷传感器(多种形式的选择例如剪切力检测、拉伸检测、拉压双向检测、单下压检测等)、显示报警仪表(温度、压力、位移、加速度、计时等显示是报警-可选继电器、逻辑、数字输出等。并且可选过程值模拟量/数字量在变送输出等)、控制器调节器(温度、压力、位移、阀门、张力、加速度等物理量,经过PID调解控制输出,特别是我们的2500型高性能控制器,的应用于挤出机闭环控制。以的成本达到近乎的控制效果)、固态继电器、工业电脑(主要应用于橡塑行业集成控制)等。
Monitor & Amplifer
The display instruments for strain sensors and load cells are developed for the specific application. They indicate the desired technical unit, (e.g. microstrain or tons).
Moreover we have a choice of many industrial strain gage amplifier in many housing.
VDA168-DIN Variable digital amplifier 168
? Dynamic and static applications
? Used for any kind of strain gage sensors
? Digital amplified output from 0...±10VDC
? High resolutions (24-Bit ADC, 16-Bit DAC)
? Quick plug-in sensor and measure
? Reset type (0V / 24V) easy switchable
? DIN housing fits into control cabinets (IP50)
DU4D 4 Channel digital monitor
? Available for all Sensormate sensors 2/4 bridges (including strain gauges)
? High accuracy and stable internal or external reset
? Displays values directly in με, kN or tons
? USB interface for alignment software (optional)
? Analog output 0...10VDC (optional)
? Very bright displays and rugged aluminium housing (IP52), ideal for rough environment
DU1D 1 Channel digital monitor
? Available for all Sensormate sensors (2/4 bridge)
? Displays strain value directly in με, kN or tons (on tie bars)
? Auto-Reset, external reset and alarm output function
? Version with battery available (optional)
? Ideal to integrate into front panels (96x96mm)
VDA168-H Variable digital amplifier 168
? Dynamic and static applications
? Used for any kind of strain gage sensors
? Digital amplified output from 0...±10VDC
? High resolutions (24-Bit ADC, 16-Bit DAC)
? Quick plug-in sensor and measure
? Fast and easy self-calibration
? Very rugged aluminium housing (IP62)
MBA-ILA Miniatur bridge inline amplifier
? Presses, injection moulding and die-casting machines
? Analogue amplified output from 0...±10VDC
? Various mounting options
? Compact solid aluminium housing (IP62)
VDA268-H Variable digital amplifier 268
? Dynamic and static applications
? Used for any kind of strain gage sensors
? Fast digital amplified output from 0...±10VDC
? Range of options : CANOpen or RS485 Interface
? High resolutions (24-Bit ADC, 16-Bit DAC)
? Quick plug-in sensor and measure
? Fast and easy self-calibration
? Very rugged aluminium housing (IP62)
VDA168-ILA Variable digital inline amplifier 168
? Dynamic and static applications
? Used for any kind of strain gage sensors
? Digital amplified output from 0...±10VDC
? High resolutions (24-Bit ADC, 16-Bit DAC)
? External Reset Input available
? Various mounting options
? Compact solid aluminium housing (IP62)
VDA268-ILA Variable digital inline amplifier 268
? Dynamic and static applications
? Very high strain gage bridge offset range
? Fast digital amplified output from 0...±10VDC
? Range of options : CANOpen or RS485 Interface
? High resolutions (24-Bit ADC, 16-Bit DAC)
? 2/4 and full bridge versions, external Reset
? Various mounting options
? Compact solid aluminium housing (IP62)
DU4USB 4 Channel digital
? Available for all Sensormate sensors (2/4 bridge)
? High accuracy and stable internal reset
? Measured strain value directly in με, kN or tons (via our included Inspectmate software)
? USB interface for alignment software
? Solid aluminium housing (IP50)
? Powered by USB-port
便携野外气象监测系统 五要素田间气象站 6要素自动气象站 智慧灯杆环境监测传感器 8要素气象站 火灾监测预警系统 污水在线监测设备 水质cod在线监测设备 地表位移监测系统 一体式六要素自动气象站 气象局六要素自动气象站 便携式直读流速仪 超声波风速风向仪传感器 风速测量仪器 病虫害测报系统 智慧农业农业四情监测系统 手持电波流速监测仪 并网式光伏环境监测仪 交通气象环境监测设备 水稻虫情测报灯 虫情测报灯 雨滴谱仪 水质悬浮物检测仪 中尺寸核磁共振成像分析仪 大口径核磁共振成像分析仪 一体式水深水温仪 低场核磁技术 全自动太阳光谱仪 手持气象参数测定仪 雷达生命探测仪 非金属管线探测仪 探地雷达探测仪 地质雷达探地仪 高速公路边坡监测系统 边坡稳定监测雷达 边坡监测雷达 地质雷达探测仪 水深水温测量仪 水流测速仪 电子气象仪 便携式明渠流量计 三维风速仪 便携式水质检测仪 超声波雪深观测仪 水资源水质监测系统 一体化土壤墒情监测站 污水井液位监测 排水管网监测系统 易涝点水位计 管网液位计