Features | Specifications |
提供的附件 | Vacuum Control Station, Vacuum Chamber, Pinch Valve, Channeling Adapter (Channeling Block and Channeling Block Holder), Transfer Carriage, Riser Block EMTR, Adapter Reagent Plate SBS, Adapter Reagent Plate R1, Tip Disposal Box Holder, Tip Chute, Tip Chute Protective Cap, Waste Bottle with Lid Assembly |
交流 | RS232 and USB |
提供的耗材 | QIAcube HT Plasticware (5 S-Blocks, 5 Elution Microtubes RS (EMTR), 120 x 8-Well Strip Caps for EMTR, 9 x 96 Filter-Tips OnCor C, TapePad), 3x Tip Disposal Box with Lid, 2x Reagent Trough Lid 170 ml, 3x Reagent Trough with Lid 70 ml |
尺寸 | Instrument width: 540 mm (21 in.), height: 450 mm (18 in.), depth: 630 mm (25 in.); vacuum control station width: 495 mm (19 in.), height: 520 mm (20 in.), depth: 400 mm (16 in.) |
电动 | 100–240 V AC, 250 VA, 50–60 Hz, overvoltage category II; mains supply voltage fluctuations are not to exceed 10% of the nominal supply voltages |
HEPA过滤器 | Preinstalled dual-cartridge 3M Air-Mate HEPA filter system provides positive pressure clean air within the closed hood. |
湿度 | Operating humidity 40-70% |
提供笔记本电脑 | QIAcube HT comes with a notebook computer for added flexibility. |
移液体系 | 8 pipetting channels, pipetting volume (20-200 µl) |
操作地点 | For indoor use only |
污染水平 | 2 |
精确度 | 20-200 µl, less than 4% coefficient of variation |
软件 | Supplied with unlimited user license with free upgrades by web download |
表容量 | 4 x SBS positions (127.76 x 85.48 mm), compatible with 96-well plates or tip racks 1 custom adapter for a reagent trough plate compatible to accept reagent troughs vacuum chamber with chambers for waste and elution |
通量 | 24-96 samples in increments of 8 samples |
弃去吸头 | All used tips ejected externally; no waste accumulation on the worktable |
紫外灯 | Preinstalled UV lamp for worktable decontamination |
质保 | 1-3 years warranty, depending on service package |
重量 | QIAcube HT instrument: 41 kg (90 lb.); vacuum control station: 19 kg (42 lb.) |
光透过率检测仪 高标准农田监测设备 超声波一体式气象仪 超声波气象仪 气象设备传感器 气象风速传感器 超声波风向仪 高速气象监测站 光伏电站监测系统 光伏电站灰尘检测仪 立杆河流水质监测站 并网式光伏环境监测系统 太阳辐射观测仪 水深水温探测仪 袖珍式手持气象仪 高标准农田四情监测设备 山体滑坡监测预警系统 桥梁结冰传感器 农业土壤墒情监测系统 手持云高仪 超声波风速监测仪 雷电预警监控系统 光伏电站天空扫描仪 手持超声波气象站 高精度手持移动气象站 光伏气象站(分布式) 便携式5要素气象站(手持) (手持)便携式自动气象站系统 大气能见度监测站 学生气象站 校园科普气象站 全自动天空成像仪 水质在线监测仪器 便携式能见度监测仪 校园科普自动气象站 自动校园气象站 便携式能见度检测仪 便携野外气象监测系统 五要素田间气象站 6要素自动气象站 智慧灯杆环境监测传感器 8要素气象站 火灾监测预警系统 污水在线监测设备 水质cod在线监测设备 地表位移监测系统 一体式六要素自动气象站 气象局六要素自动气象站 便携式直读流速仪 超声波风速风向仪传感器