NEO HSX ONE顶空氧气分析仪是一种用于监测密封注射容器内顶空氧气浓度的无损气体分析仪。这种小巧的台式分析仪运用获得的激光吸收技术。近红外激光产生的光线被调整至与氧分子的内部吸收频率相匹配,并穿过产品上方顶空区域内的容器。被吸收的激光量与顶空中的氧气浓度成比例。采用这种无损测定方法可快速而全面地分析产品。
FDA 推荐、符合 USP1207。
● 快速无损的残氧分析
● 检漏(针对充氮包装间接性检漏)
● 容器密闭完整性研究
● 灌装线上吹扫系统的优化和验证
● 氧浓度衰减研究
● 产品稳定性和货架期研究
The HSA Lab Series is equipped with our 3rd generation of TDLAS (tunable diode laser absorption
spectroscopy) providing industry leading sensitivity for the non-destructive Headspace Analysis of
pharmaceutical packaging. The system can be configured to test either partial pressures of oxygen,
carbon dioxide or water vapor.
The HSA Lab-A is designed for the use in sterile environments. Design and materials are selected to
provide easy cleaning, even with VHP, and the use under laminar flow.
Applications may be container closure integrity testing, nitrogen purging verification, vacuum maintenance
in packages or sterility verification. The measured oxygen concentration or absolute pressure allows us to
determine temporary or permanent leakages, while carbon dioxide concentration changes provide
information about the microbial growth in media filled packages
Non-destructive inspection of liquid or powder filled containers
Industry leading sensitivity
Adjustable measuring time
Standard acquisition time less than 2 seconds
Test method according USP1207
Lasers for O2, CO2 and H2O measurement
Application for vials, syringes, ampoules and LVP bottles
Application for flexible as well as rigid plastic and glass packaging
Designed according to GMP guidelines
手持电波流速监测仪 并网式光伏环境监测仪 交通气象环境监测设备 水稻虫情测报灯 虫情测报灯 雨滴谱仪 水质悬浮物检测仪 中尺寸核磁共振成像分析仪 大口径核磁共振成像分析仪 一体式水深水温仪 低场核磁技术 全自动太阳光谱仪 手持气象参数测定仪 雷达生命探测仪 非金属管线探测仪 探地雷达探测仪 地质雷达探地仪 高速公路边坡监测系统 边坡稳定监测雷达 边坡监测雷达 地质雷达探测仪 水深水温测量仪 水流测速仪 电子气象仪 便携式明渠流量计 三维风速仪 便携式水质检测仪 超声波雪深观测仪 水资源水质监测系统 一体化土壤墒情监测站 污水井液位监测 排水管网监测系统 易涝点水位计 管网液位计 排水管网监测设备 窖井水位监测 覆冰监测设备 GNSS位移站 土壤墒情自动监测设备 防爆型气象观测站 道路交通气象系统 光伏电站气象仪 水库水位监测器 手持气象仪器 自动雪厚监测站 地裂缝监测一体机 天气现象检测器 倾角加速度监测站 便携水深探测仪 微型水质自动监测站