It,s akind of basic equipment utilized for air abstraction from the close container. which can be single used or combined with other vacuum facilities as backing pump. marintenance pump and preabstaction bump intensively used in the depadments of food. electronics. chemical industry. meicine.R&D and schools.
C0nstruction features :
*This serlal is the third generation of improved novel pump. which has the features of small volume. litght weight. low noise and direct power supply controlling switch in the pump body.
*Able to directly stat from the atmosphere. with gas valve tnside the air exhaust pump Capable of abstracting the small quantity of water steam with safe and convenient operation.
主要技术指标:Primary technical indexes:
* 型 式 : Type : 2XZ-1
*抽气速率 (L / S ) :Air exhaust rate : 1 (60升)
*极限压力 ( Pa ) : Limit pressure : 6X10-2
* 转 速 (r /min): Rate of rotation : 1400
* 电机功率(KW): Generator motiton rate : 0.25
* 电 源/ 电压:Power supply/voltage : 单相 220 V±10% 50HZ+2%
*进气口内径(mm) :Airtake bore: ¢16
* 外 形尺 寸(cm):Outline size : 46.7×13×25.4
* 净重/毛重(Kg):Net / Gross weight: 19 / 21
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