气体循环泵系列采用单气控非平衡气体分配阀来实现泵的往复运动,全部采用铝合金及不锈钢制造。全 部密封均为进口优质产品,大设计驱动气压均为10bar,为了保证泵的寿命建议驱动气压<8bar。该系列泵 的驱动活塞直径为160mm,为双作用泵,所有双作用泵均带有排气冷却。 随着输出压力增大,泵的往复工作的速度逐渐减慢直到停止,进入无损保压状态。此时不再消耗能量,也无零 件工作磨损。如果出口气体压力压力降低,泵自动开始工作进行补压,可实现长时间无人值守工作。适用于氢 气、氮气、氦气、甲烷等的增压循环场合,如反应釜气体循环等。
石油管件阀门密封性能测试 汽车工业制动测试、工程机械软管,航空航天等产品的测试试验和计量仪表检验, 油田勘探钻井,二氧化碳超临界和高压食品应用等领域科学研究。 蓄能器充气,高压胎充气,将低压气体转换成高压气体并充气进减震柱, 可增压氧气,氮气,氢气,空气,甲烷等各种气体
- 让高效的水处理解决方案为您的业务带来优化
(Arcadia, USA)
We will think carefully about buildings and create thinking buildings
Arcadia commercial building services (CBS) relies on the concept of in-depth thinking of buildings. Our mission is to constantly think about and re-examine the building, so as to help customers to solve the big and small challenges. Therefore, we need to provide consulting engineers around the world with tools that can make their work faster and easier. Every day, consulting engineers can easily access our network tools and blueprint to obtain product priority information and pump related knowledge.
Be ready for the challenges of the future
The commercial construction industry is facing a series of challenges that will redefine the way we think about architecture in the next few years.
At the macro level, global climate change calls on all of us to take action to change the current situation. This means that buildings must adhere to strict sustainable development standards to maintain low energy consumption and high flexibility. At the micro level, consulting engineers are faced with the problem of many projects and insufficient supervision time. Therefore, it is very important to get correct information quickly and conveniently.
Excellent partner when thinking about buildings
Thinking about architecture also means that we see ourselves not only as suppliers of pumps, but also as partners in creating successful buildings. At the same time, it also means that we try to create buildings with in-depth pump and system knowledge as well as excellent intelligent pumps.
Acadia and water treatment
-Optimize your business with efficient water treatment solutions
If you are looking for highly reliable water treatment solutions in the market, Arcadia's expertise can meet every expectation. As a complete production line supplier, we cover the whole water cycle process from supply, treatment and distribution, and ensure that the exact water quality required can be obtained at each step.
Arcadia's water treatment solutions are customized to optimize complex and demanding industrial processes, and Arcadia's professional support is always at your side. This ensures that you and your customers have easy access to local language expertise and technical support.
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