When de-energized, the armature is separated
from the solenoid by the armature
spring. The right-side poppet directly
connected to the armature closes, while the leftside
poppet opens, making the pressure on the upper
surface of the upper diaphragm
atmospheric pressure. Therefore, the lower
This valve has 2 solenoids built into the top and mid section,
and the lead wires are color-coded with vinyl tape. Energizing
the red tape side (the upper side, solenoid S2) opens the valve,
and energizing the gray tape side (the lower side, solenoid S1)
closes the valve. This solenoid is a continuous energizing
closing the P port, and connecting the A port and R port.
?? When energized, the armature is attracted
to the solenoid, opening the right-side
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